Awards - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University Skip to main content

Honors and Awards by Organization

This is a listing of significant awards and honors received by Purdue CS faculty. Listed are those items that are distinctive and based on technical achievement and/or professional service. Included items must be decided by peer deliberation; awards decided solely by students (e.g., "Top 10 Teacher") and best paper awards are not included, nor are awards well outside the mainstream of faculty areas of achievement. Courtesy Appointments are listed below in the University Recognition section.

Professional & Scientific Recognition


American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAA&S)

AAA&S website

One of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honorary societies, members are recognized for achievements in academia, the arts, business and public affairs.

Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA)

AAIA website

Fellow of the AAIA


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

AAAS website

Fellow of the AAAS

Fellows are recognized for meritorious efforts to advance science or its applications.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

ACM website

ACM Athena Lecturer Award

The ACM Athena Lecturer Award recognizes women researchers that have made pioneering contributions to computer science. Each year ACM honors a preeminent computer scientist as the Athen Lecturer.  

ACM Distinguished Member

The Distinguished Member Grade recognizes those ACM members with at least 15 years of professional experience and 5 years of continuous Professional Membership who have achieved significant accomplishments or have made a significant impact on the computing field.

Fellow of the ACM

The ACM Fellows Program was established by Council in 1993 to recognize and honor outstanding ACM members for their achievements in computer science and information technology and for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. The ACM Fellows serve as distinguished colleagues to whom the ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership as the world of information technology evolves.

2020 ACM CODASPY Research Award

Awarded for lasting and innovative research contributions to the cybersecurity  and privacy field.

Gordon Bell Prize (joint with IEEE)

Awarded for outstanding achievement in high-performance computing applications.

ACM President's Award

Recipients of the ACM Presidents Award, a rarely bestowed honor, have demonstrated their exceptional abilities to advance computing technology and enhance its impact for the benefit of society through generosity, creativity and dedication to their respective missions.


This honor is given annually to an individual recognized for work published i n prior sessions of the International Symposium on Microarchitecture.

ACM SIGPLAN  "Doctoral Dissertation Award"

This highly competitive award is given in recognition of the outstanding doctoral dissertation in programming languages.

ACM SIGPLAN  " Programming Languages Software Award (Scala team "

This award  is given by ACM SIGPLAN, the international Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Programming Languages, to “an institution or individual(s) to recognize the development of a software system that has had a significant impact on programming language research, implementations, and tools.”

ACM SIGSAC  "Outstanding Contribution Award"

This award is given for significant contribution to the field of computer and communication security through fostering research and development activities, educating students, and providing professional services such as the running of professional societies and conferences.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation website

Humboldt Research Award

The award is granted in recognition of a researcher's entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in future are eligible to be nominated for a Humboldt Research Award.

American Mathematical Society (AMS)

AMS (American Mathematical Society) website


American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE)

American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering website

Fellow, American Insitute for Medical and Biological Engineering


Applied Computer Security Associates

Applied Computer Security Associates website


Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association

Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association website


Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities website


Colloqium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE)

Founder's Award

This award honors an individual from business, academia or government who has made a significant contribution toward furthering the state of information systems security education.


Computing Research Association (CRA)

Computing Research Association (CRA) website

Distinguished Service Award

CRA makes this award, usually annually, to someone who has made an outstanding service contribution to the computing research community. This award recognizes service in the areas of government affairs, professional societies, publications or conferences, and leadership that has a major impact on computing research.


European Academy of Sciences

European Academy of Sciences website

  • Christoph M. Hoffmann [2002]


Flajolet Prize

Analysis of Algorithms website


Fulbright Scholar

Fulbright Scholar website


Information Security Executive (ISE)

ISE Luminary Leadership Award Winner


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/IEEE Societies

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers website

Fellow of the IEEE 

The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.

Taylor Booth Award 

Awarded for an outstanding record in computer science and engineering education. The individual must meet two or more of the following criteria in the computer science and engineering field: achieving recognition as a teacher of renown; writing an influential text; leading, inspiring, or providing significant educational content during the creation of a curriculum in the field; inspiring others to a career in computer science and engineering education.

Harry H. Goode Memorial Award

Awarded for achievements in the information processing field which are considered either a single contribution of theory, design, or technique of outstanding significance, or the accumulation of important contributions on theory or practice over an extended time period, the total of which represent an outstanding contribution.

Tsutomu Kanai Award

Awarded for major contributions to state-of-the-art distributed computing systems and their applications.

IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award 

This award is presented for outstanding and innovative contributions to the fields of computer and information science and engineering or computer technology, usually within the past ten, and not more than fifteen years.

IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award 

Awarded for long-standing member or staff service to the society.

IEEE ICDM Oustanding Service Award 

The IEEE ICDM Outstanding Award is given to one individual or one group who has made major service contributions that have promoted data mining as a field and ICDM as the world's premier research conference in data mining.


Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)

Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers website


International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)

International Federation for Information Processing website

Silver Core 

This is an award, granted by the General Assembly of IFIP, in recognition of distinction in service to IFIP and its goals.

  • John R. Rice [1989]

Kristian Beckman Award

The objective of the award is to publicly recognise an individual, not a group or organisation, who has significantly contributed to the development of information security, especially achievements with an international perspective.


International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM)

International Association for Computational Mechanics website


Information Security Certification (ISC) 2

Information Security Certification website

Fellow of (ISC) 2

(ISC) 2 Board of Directors established the Fellow of (ISC) 2 designation in January 2006 to honor a select group of information security professionals who have made outstanding contributions throughout their careers to the field of information security.

Harold F. Tipton Lifetime Achievement Award


Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)

Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Awards website

Hall of Fame 

This award recognizes an individual's exemplary career contributions to, and the advancement of the information security profession. Hall of Fame recipients are recognized for their participation in more than one area of service to the profession - researching, teaching, publishing, speaking, directing information security programs, and developing information security tools.

Distinguished Fellow 



ISACA website

Wasserman Award

Awarded by the New York City chapter of ISACA, the Wasserman Award is granted based on Chapter Recognition, Technology Audit and Security contributions, contributions to the Profession, Leadership, and major accomplishments in the Audit, Security, and Technology fields.



ITERA website


J.P Morgran AI Research Faculty Awards

J.P. Morgan AI Faculty Research website


Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

Mathematical Association of America website

George Pólya Awardfor Expository Writing

This award, established in 1976, is named after the renowned teacher and writer, and is given for articles of expository excellence published in the College Mathematics Journal.


National Academy of Sciences

National Academy of Sciences website


National Academy of Engineering

National Academy of Engineering website

  • Member
    • John R. Rice [1994]

National Computer/Information System Security Award

An award jointly conferred by the National Security Agency and the National Institute of Standards for exceptional and substantial contributions to information security through research, practice, and/or education.

Eugene H. Spafford [2000]


National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards

National Science Foundation website


Walid G. Aref [2001]
Elias Bareinboim [2018]
Chris Bailey-Kellogg [2005]
Jeremiah Blocki [2021]
Simina Branzei [2023]
Z. Berkay Celik [2022]
Sonia Fahmy [2003]
Pedro Fonseca [2022]
Christina Garman [2021]
David Gleich [2012]
Dan Goldwasser [2021]
Ananth Y. Grama [1998]
Changhee Jung [2018]
Aniket Kate [2019]
Charles Killian [2011]
Ramana Kompella [2011]
Ninghui Li [2004]
Pan Li [2023]
Zhiyuan Li [1995]
Jennifer Neville [2012]
Kihong Park [1999]
Chunyi Peng [2018]
Sunil Prabhakar [1999]
Alex Psomas [2022]
Yuan Qi [2011]
Bruno Ribeiro [2020]
Tiark Rompf [2016]
Roopsha Samanta [2019]
Luo Si [2008]
Xavier Tricoche [2012]
Dave (Jing) Tian [2022]
Jan Vitek [2001]
Olga Vitek [2011]
Dongyan Xu [2006]
Xiangyu Zhang [2009]

Presidential Young Investigator Award

Mikhail Atallah [1985]
Ahmed Elmagarmid [1988]

CISE Research Initiation Initiative

Jeremiah Blocki [2018]
Ben Delaware [2018]
Hemanta Maji [2016]
Mathias Payer [2015]

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Daniel Aliaga [201]

Ponemon Institute

Ponemon Institute website

Fellow of Ponemon Eugene H. Spafford [2014]


SANS Insititute

SANS website

Lifetime Achievement Award Eugene H. Spafford [2011]


Search Security Magazine

Search Security Magazine website

Secure 7 Eugene H. Spafford [2008]


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics website

Fellow of SIAM

Petros Drinesa [2023]
Walter Gautschi [2012]
Alex Pothen [2018]
Ahmed Sameh [2011]
Robert D. Skeel [2011]

Pierre Bézier Award

This award recognizes rigorous codifications and extensions of solid modeling theory, concepts and techniques that improve its robustness and versatility, and contributions to geometric constraint solving.

Christoph M Hoffmann [2011]


George Polya Prize in Applied Combinatorics

The  George Pólya Prize in Combinatorics is awarded every four years for a notable application of combinatorial theory, a branch of mathematics that explores finite, countable, discrete entities.


Simons Foundation

Simons Foundation website

Simons Fellow Bradley Lucier [2012]


Joel and Ruth Spira Excellence in Teaching Award

Douglas Comer [2012]


Turin Academy of Sciences

Turin Academy of Sciences website

Walter Gautschi [2001]


Upsilon Pi Epsilon

Upsilon Pi Epsilon website

Abacus Award

Presented to an individual who has gained international renown in the profession, and over a period of several years has provided extensive support and leadership for student-related activities in the computing and information disciplines.

Eugene H. Spafford [2009]


Usenix Association

"The Flame" Lifetime Achievement Award

This is awarded for lifetime contributions to the computing community.

Douglas Comer (as part of the Software Tools Project) [1996]


U.S. Air Force

U.S. Air Force website

Air Force medal for Meritorious Civilian Service

Eugene H. Spafford [2003]



Worldcomp website

WORLDCOMP Outstanding Achievement Award

This is awarded for leadership, outstanding research contributions, and pioneering work in computer security.

Eugene H. Spafford [2011]


Regional Recognition

Distinguished Alumni

Greg Frederickson, University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science [2018]
Eugene H. Spafford, State University College of New York [1995]


Honorary Doctorates

Eugene H. Spafford, DSc from SUNY [2005]
Elisa Bertino, PhD from Aalborg University [2021]


Techpoint website

INITA Outstanding Educator

H. E. Dunsmore [2001]

Techpoint Mira Award

Susanne Hambrusch [2004]
Team award, including  Chris CliftonAhmed Elmagarmid, and  Sunil Prabhakar [2005]
Christoph M. Hoffmann [2008]


Sagamore of the Wabash

Sagamore of the Wabash Award

Eugene H. Spafford [2016]
John Rice


University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Erskin Fellowship
Wojciech M. Szpankowski [2006]


Purdue Recognition

Book of Great Teachers

Book of Great Teachers website

The book bears the names of 267 faculty members, past and present, who have devoted their lives to excellence in teaching and scholarship. They were chosen by their students and their peers as Purdue's finest educators. Several CS faculty are among those included.

Mikhail J. Atallah [1999]
Bharat Bhargava [2003]
Douglas E. Comer [1999]
H. E. Dunsmore [1999]
Greg N. Frederickson [2008]
Susanne E. Hambrusch [1999]
John R. Rice [1999]
Eugene H. Spafford [1999]
Eugene H. Spafford [2003]

Courtesy Appointments

Department of Communication

Eugene H. Spafford [2003]

Department of Political Science

Eugene H. Spafford [2013]

Department of Mathematics

Robert D. Skeel [2004]
Samuel Wagstaff [2006]

Department of Philosophy

Eugene H. Spafford [2000]

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mikhail J. Atallah [2004]
Elisa Bertino [2004]
Bharat Bhargava [2003]
Douglas E. Comer [2003]
Suresh Jagannathan [2002]
Zhiyuan Li [2003]
Eugene H. Spafford [2003]
Wojciech M. Szpankowski [2004]
Dongyan Xu [2003]

Distinguished and Named University Professors

A special recognition bestowed on a select few professors of outstanding accomplishment who have achieved national and international prominence. Conferring the title of distinguished professor requires a rigorous academic review and appointment by the Board of Trustees. Less than 2% of Purdue faculty hold this rank.Named University Professors are faculty who received these appointments under the prior University policy that bestowed this title as an academic recognition similar to distinguished professorships.

Mikhail J. Atallah: Distinguished Professor of Computer Science [2004]
Elisa Bertino: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2017]
Douglas E. Comer: Distinguished Professor of Computer Science [2004] 
Ananth Grama: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2016]
Suresh Jagannathan: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2018]
Nighuhi Li:  Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2020]
Jennifer Neville: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2020]
John R. Rice: W. Brooks Fortune Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science [1989]
Tiark Rompf: Kevin C. and Suanne L. Kahn New Frontiers Associate Professor [2020]
Ahmed Sameh: Samuel D. Conte Emeritus Professor of Computer Science [1997]
Muhamad Shabhaz: Kevin C. and Suzanne L. Kahn New Frontiers Assistant Professor [2021]
Wojciech M. Szpankowski: Saul Rosen Distinguished Professor of Computer Science [2008] 
Dongyan Xu: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2018]
Xiangyu Zhang: Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science [2020]

Fellows of the Purdue Teaching Academy

Fellows of the Purdue Teaching Academy website

The Academy is comprised of scholar-teachers committed to the continual improvement of teaching and learning at Purdue University.

George Adams [2019]
Mikhail J. Atallah [2004]
Douglas E. Comer [2003]
H. E. Dunsmore [1997]
Eugene H. Spafford [2001]

 Teaching Academy Associate Fellow

Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera [2001]


Morrill Award

Morrill Awards are given to faculty members who have excelled as teachers, researchers and scholars, and in engagement missions. The awards are named for Justin Smith Morrill, the Vermont congressman who sponsored the 1862 legislation that bears his name.

Eugene Spafford [2012]


Outstanding Commercialization Award

Mikhail Atallah [2013]


Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Memory of Charles B. Murphy

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Memory of Charles B. Murphy website

This is Purdue's top award for sustained excellence in education, mentoring, and development of educational materials over a period of many years. Winners are noted for their ability to motivate and inspire students both in and out of the classroom.

H. E. Dunsmore [1996]
Eugene H. Spafford [2001]


Purdue Innovators Hall of Fame

Elisa Bertino [2017]


Purdue Research Foundation Inventors Recognition

Mikhail Atallah [2011]
Bharat Bhargava [2011]


Purdue University Engagement Award

Daniel Aliaga [2008]


Purdue University Undergraduate Advising Award

Daniel Aliaga [2009]


Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award

Purdue Sigma Xi website

The Purdue Chapter of Sigma Xi seeks to recognize a faculty member for outstanding research.  The nominees are to be in residence at the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University, but need not be a member of Sigma Xi. This award is to recognize scientific research accomplishments rather than service to the University or other career accomplishments.

Mikhail J. Atallah [2016]


Teaching for Tomorrow Award

Teaching for Tomorrow Award website

Annually, these awards recognize the demonstrated talents for teaching of up to twelve assistant professors (or recently promoted associate professors), and three senior faculty for their long-term contributions to teaching at the University. These faculty will work together in teams to address topics which can enhance the learning environment for students across the campus.

H. E. Dunsmore [2005]
Antony L. Hosking [1998]
Chris Clifton [2011]


University Faculty Scholar

A small number of faculty, usually at the associate professor level or recently-promoted full professors, are named as University Faculty Scholars to recognize outstanding achievement and the likelihood of future academic distinction.

Walid G. Aref [2004]
Petros Drineas [2022]
Sonia Fahmy [2015]
David Gleich [2021]
Ananth Y. Grama [2002]
Suresh Jagannathan [2007]
Aniket Kate [2022]
Zhiyuan Li [2005]
Jennifer Neville [2020]
Sunil Prabhakar [2009]
Dongyan Xu [2012]
Daisuke Kihara [2013]

Last Updated: Dec 3, 2024 11:18 AM

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