- Undergraduate Bridge Program
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Testimonials - CS Bridge Program

In the Bridge Program, you can form lasting relationships with your colleagues. A group that met in 2016 in Bridge as freshman, came back together as a group to deliver their senior software engineering year project in the Spring of 2020. Five of the six members of Team Rezzi were in the CS Bridge program (Katarina Gregurich, Kai Hoffman, Aaron Lynn, Conley Utz, Megan Walsh, Riley Turbull). At the beginning of every Bridge class I tell the students that they will form friendships that will carry throughout their academic year and likely the rest of their time at Purdue. - Professor Dunsmore

The Bridge Program is a wonderful opportunity for incoming freshman. In my interface with students who were in the program when they began their Purdue education, I see many exhibiting engagement, great progression of skills, and learning attitudes. So in addition to the head start on technical skills, the 'soft' skills are being nurtured, helping to make well-rounded students which in turn is interesting to companies. - Raytheon

Purdue's Computer Science Bridge is a terrific program that offers incoming freshmen with a passion for computer science an opportunity to ramp up their programming skills prior to the first day of class. The coordinated networking opportunities with corporate partners provide students with the unique chance to ask experienced professionals about potential careers. - Lilly

"Bridge is one of the best decisions I’ve made regarding my college life. If you’re inexperienced with programming or its concepts, I personally wholeheartedly recommend signing up for Bridge. I had no programming experience at all prior to coming to Purdue, and the Bridge program helped me to transition into the semester smoothly. It was sometimes frustrating during Bridge because the content is new and challenging. However, it’s all part of the journey, and when you keep persevering and working hard, you get it eventually.
Not only was I able to set the foundations so that I was not completely overwhelmed when the semester started, I also met so many amazing friends through this program. They are some of my closest friends now, and knowing friends/classmates in the same major/classes as you is a huge advantage, as you have that supportive community and can help each other."
- Hyunji “Sophia” Cho, Bridge Alumni '23

"Bridge helps assuage every worry you could possibly have about college. You make friendships that last throughout college, experience what a college-level computer science course is like, and get a few weeks to settle in before regular classes begin."
- Truman Mohr, Bridge TA '23

I feel as if the Bridge program amply prepared me for what was to come in CS 18000. I felt well prepared for the coding aspect of the class as well as other important things like where to go for help and how to use coding-related software. The Bridge program also allowed me to make some of my closest friends all while working on bettering my coding skills. I would most certainly recommend Bridge for anyone who is uncertain about their coding skills before starting in the Fall.
- John Griffin Long, Bridge Alumni '22 and Bridge TA '23

Coming to Purdue, I had very minimal programming experience. Though very fast paced, Bridge did an excellent job at exposing me to many programming fundamentals. Although I was initially overwhelmed during Bridge, I was able to understand many of the topics covered in CS 18000 since I already had exposure to them. This foundation not only eased my CS 18000 experience but also led me to become a Bridge TA the following summer!
- Henry Balagtas, Bridge Almuni '22 and Bridge TA '23

“I would say that everyone who is even slightly confused about joining Bridge should apply. The program is more than just about academics, you get to know the campus before everyone and get accustomed to the life at Purdue while having fun and studying CS 18000.”
- Chirag Vijay, Bridge Alumni '18