Lala Shahbandayeva

Purdue CS: Tell us about yourself.
LS: My name is Lala Shahbandayeva and I’m from Azerbaijan. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from ADA University. My primary interest lies in solving real-world problems using machine learning.
Purdue CS: How did you become interested in computer science and research?
LS: Computer science is an exciting and growing field that affects people’s daily life. I became interested in how the technologies are made and wanted to have a deeper look inside to the theories behind those technologies. During my research assistantship, I experienced that the research I do can make difference and improvement for others. Therefore, one of the reasons for me to decide being a part of computer science and research is to make a difference. There are lots of exciting findings in this field yet to come. So, being a part of it is great.
Purdue CS: What are your future plans in the CS industry?
LS: I plan to attend graduate school after obtaining relevant work experience for few years. First to bring academia and industry together, ideally blending cutting-edge strategies to solve real-world problems. I am sure the GoBoiler Internship Program will provide a solid foundation of experience that I can use moving forward in my dream career path.
Purdue CS: What are you working on during the GoBoiler Internship?
LS: During the next 2 months, I am working on a project involving deep learning for symbolic reasoning. The goal of the project is to apply deep learning techniques to support symbolic reasoning tasks such as theorem proving. I am working with Professor Tiark Rompf and his research group. This project will help me to gain both technical and research skills.
Purdue CS: What influenced you to apply for the GoBoiler Internship?
LS: This program is not just about an international experience or traveling abroad for an internship. The reasons I came to Purdue CS for this internship are: learning, excellence, and collaboration. The collaboration with professors, other PhD students and interns around the world who have the same passion of contribution to research is one of the reasons that influenced me to apply for the GoBoiler Internship.