Christian Mösl
Purdue CS: Tell us about yourself.
CM: I am Christian Mösl from Austria, and I study computer science at the University of Salzburg. Sport and education are the two significant drivers in my life. In Salzburg, I like to spend my spare time in the wild, where I go climbing and running.
Purdue CS: How did you become interested in computer science and research?
CM: I used to be an apprentice in mechatronics who programs microcontrollers for embedded devices until I realized I want to learn much more, as I needed to know to do my job. So as soon, as I finished my apprenticeship, I started my academic career. At the university, I did not lose my interest in computer systems, and therefore it was not that surprising, that a compiler course hold by professor Christoph M. Kirsch was fascinating for me. He inspired me to dig deeper into the world of operating systems, for which I am very thankful.
Purdue CS: What are your future plans in the CS industry?
CM: I haven’t decided if I want to pursue industry or academia as a career. In the short time, I plan to pursue a PhD in computer science and continue doing research. It was always a dream of mine, to study or work abroad, which is why I was very excited to do this internship at Purdue.
Purdue CS: What are you working on during the GoBoiler Internship?
CM: In my GoBoiler project, I am working on WebAssembly, the upcoming standard for high-performance code on the web with Professor Tiark Rompf. The crucial part of this project is, to explore if the LMS framework can be used as an efficient compiler for WebAssembly, which requires significant program analysis.
Purdue CS: What influenced you to apply for the GoBoiler Internship?
CM: Initially, it was my friend Manuel who made me aware of this internship opportunity at Purdue University. After less than a day, I took the chance and applied. A big reason for that was the broad spectrum of interesting projects as well as the popular programming language group, which suits my interests perfectly.