Chunyi Peng's Publications
Please refer to my Google Scholar for all my publications which is more up-to-date.
2018 – Present
Dependent Misconfigurations in 5G/4.5G Radio Resource Control,
Zhehui Zhang, Yanbing Liu, Qianru Li, Zizheng Liu, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu,
CoNext’23, Nov 2023. (PDF)
CA++: Enhancing Carrier Aggregation Beyond 5G,
Qianru Li, Zhehui Zhang, Yanbing Liu, Zhaowei Tan, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu,
MobiCom’23, Oct 2023. (PDF)
Breaking Geographic Routing Among Connected Vehicles,
Zizheng Liu, Shaan Shekhar, Chunyi Peng,
DSN’23, June 2023. (PDF)
A Close Look at 5G in the Wild: Unrealized Potentials and Implications,
Yanbing Liu, Chunyi Peng,
INFOCOM’23, May 2023. (PDF)
OPA: One-Predict-All For Efficient Deployment,
Junpeng Guo, Shengqing Xia (co-primary), Chunyi Peng,
INFOCOM’23, May 2023. (PDF)
Uncovering Insecure Designs of Cellular Emergency Services (911),
Yiwen Hu, Min-Yue Chen, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Sihan Wang, Jingwen Shi, Tian Xie, Li Xiao, Chunyi Peng, Zhaowei Tan, Songwu Lu,
MobiCom’22, Oct 2022. (Best Community Paper Award Runner-up)
VPPlus: Exploring the Potentials of Video Processing for Live Video Analytics at the Edge,
Junpeng Guo, Shengqing Xia, Chunyi Peng,
IWQoS’22, June 2022.
Experience: A Five-Year Retrospective of MobileInsight,
Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Zhehui Zhang, Zhaowei Tan, Haotian Deng, Jinghao Zhao, Qianru Li, Yunqi Guo, Kai Ling, Boyan Ding, Hewu Li, Songwu Lu,
MobiCom’21, April 2022.
Insecurity of Operational Cellular IoT Service: New Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures,
Sihan Wang, Guan-Hua Tu, Xinyu Lei, Tian Xie, Chi-Yu Li, Po-Yi Chou, Fucheng Hsieh, Yiwen Hu, Li Xiao, Chunyi Peng,
MobiCom’21, April 2022.
Reconfiguring Cell Selection in 4G/5G Networks,
Qianru Li, Chunyi Peng,
ICNP’21, Nov 2021.
iCellSpeed: Increasing Cellular Data Speed with Device-assisted Cell Selection,
Haotian Deng, Qianru Li, Jingqi Huang, Chunyi Peng,
MobiCom’20, Sep 2020 (virtual).
Experience: Towards automated customer issue resolution in cellular networks,
Amit Sheoran, Sonia Fahmy, Matthew Osinski, Chunyi Peng, Bruno Ribeiro, Jia Wang,
MobiCom’20, Sep 2020 (virtual).
The untold secrets of wifi-calling services: Vulnerabilities, attacks, and countermeasures,
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, B Yin, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Mi Zhang, Hui Liu, Xiaoming Liu,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (11), 3131-3147, 2020.
How can iot services pose new security threats in operational cellular networks? ,
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 20 (8), 2592-2606, 2020.
Mobility Support in Cellular Networks: A Measurement Study on Its Configurations and Implications,
Haotian Deng, Chunyi Peng, Ans Fida, Jiayi Meng, and Y Charlie Hu,
IMC’18, Nov 2018.
CEIVE: Combating Caller ID Spoofing on 4G Mobile Phones Via Callee-Only Inference and Verification,
Haotian Deng, Weicheng Wang, and Chunyi Peng,
MobiCom’18, Oct 2018. (Along with ACM MobiCom’18 Best Demo Award)
Resolving Policy Conflicts in Multi-Carrier Cellular Access ,
Zengwen Yuan, Qianru Li, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Chunyi Peng, and George Varghese,
MobiCom’18, Oct 2018.
ChromaCode: A Fully Imperceptible Screen-Camera Communication System,
Kai Zhang, Chenshu Wu, Chaofan Yang, Yi Zhao, Kehong Huang, Chunyi Peng, Yunhao Liu, and
Zheng Yang,
MobiCom’18, Oct 2018.
A Measurement Study on Multi-path TCP with Multiple Cellular Carriers on High-speed
Li Li, Ke Xu, Tong Li, Kai Zheng, Chunyi Peng, Dan Wang, Xiangxiang Wang, Meng Shen, and Rashid
SIGCOMM’18, Aug 2018.
The Dark Side of Operational Wi-Fi Calling Services,
Tian Xie, Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Jiawei Li,and Mi Zhang,
CNS’18, May 2018. (Best Paper Award)
A Machine Learning Based Approach to Mobile Network Analysis
Zengwen Yuan, Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu, Haotian Deng, Zhaowei Tan and Taqi Raza,
ICCCN’18, July 2018 (Invited Paper).
The Tick Programmable Low-Latency SDR System,
Haoyang Wu,Tao Wang,Zengwen Yuan,Chunyi Peng,Zhiwei Li,Zhaowei Tan,Boyan Ding,Xiaoguang
Li, Yuanjie Li, Jun Liu, and Songwu Lu,
GetMobile: Mobile Comp. and Comm., 21 (1), 26–30, May 2018.
A Control-Plane Perspective on Reducing Data Access Latency in LTE Networks
Yuanjie Li, Zengwen Yuan, Chunyi Peng,
(MobiCom'17), Snowbird, Utah, USA, Oct 2017.
The Tick Programmable Low-Latency SDR System
Haoyang Wu, Tao Wang, Zengwen Yuan, Chunyi Peng, Zhiwei Li, Zhaowei Tan, Boyan Ding, Xiaoguang Li, Yuanjie Li, Jun Liu and Songwu Lu,
(MobiCom'17), Snowbird, Utah, USA, Oct 2017.
[PDF] Best Community Paper Award
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Prediction of Cellular Traffic in Metropolis
Xu Wang, Zimu Zhou, Zheng Yang,
Yunhao Liu, Chunyi Peng,
(ICNP'17), Torento, Canada, Oct 2017.
ViViSnoop: Someone is Snooping Your Typing Without Seeing It!
Kun Jin, Si Fang, Chunyi Peng, Zhiyang Teng, Xufei Mao, Lan Zhang and Xiang-Yang Li,
(CNS'17), Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 2017.
BRIDGELOC: Bridging Vision-Based Localization for Robots
Qiang Zhai, Fan Yang, Adam C. Champion, Chunyi Peng, Jingchuan Wang, Dong Xuan, and Wei Zhao
(MASS'17 ), Orlando, FL, Oct. 2017.
Towards Automated Intelligence in 5G Systems
Haotian Deng, Qianru Li, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Chunyi Peng, Taqi Raza,Zhaowei Tan, Zengwen Yuan, Zhehui Zhang,
(ICCCN'17), Vancouver, Canada, August 2017.
NaviLight: Indoor Localization and Navigation Under Arbitrary Lights
Zenghua Zhao, Jiankun Wang, Xingya Zhao, Chunyi Peng, Qian Guo, Bin Wu,
(INFOCOM'17), Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2017.
TUM: Towards Ubiquitous Multi-Device Localization for Cross-Device Interaction
Han Xu, Zheng Yang, Zimu Zhou, Ke Yi, Chunyi Peng,
(INFOCOM'17), Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2017.
MobileInsight: Analyzing Cellular Network Information on Smartphones
Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Zengwen Yuan, Haotian Deng, Jiayao Li, and Tao Wang,
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, 21 (1), 39–42, 2017. .
A Longitudinal Measurement Study of TCP Performance and Behavior in 3G/4G Networks Over High Speed Rails
Li Li, Ke Xu, Dan Wang, Chunyi Peng, Kai Zheng, Rashid Mijumbi, and Xiangxiang Wang,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 25 (4), 2195–2208, 2017 .
New Security Threats Caused by IMS-based SMS Service in 4G LTE Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Yuanjie Li and Songwu Lu
(CCS'16), Vienna, Austria, Oct. 2016.
MobileInsight: Extracting and Analyzing Cellular Network
Information on Smartphones
Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Zengwen Yuan, Jiayao Li, Haotian Deng and Tao Wang
(MobiCom'16), New York, USA, Oct. 2016.
[PDF] Best Community Paper Award
CAP on Mobility Control for 4G LTE Networks (Invited Paper)
Yuanjie Li, Zengwen Yuan, Chunyi Peng and Songwu Lu
(Hotwireless'16), New York, USA, Oct. 2016.
ARTcode: Preserve Art and Code In Any Image
Zhe Yang, Yuting Bao, Chuhao Luo, Xingya Zhao, Siyu Zhu, Chunyi Peng, Yunxin Liu and Xinbing Wang
(UbiComp'16), Heidelberg, Germany, Sep. 2016.
Demystify Undesired Handoff in Cellular Networks
Chunyi Peng and Yuanjie Li
(ICCCN'16), Hawaii, Aug 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
Instability in Distributed Mobility Management: Revisiting Configuration Management in 3G/4G Mobile Networks
Yuanjie Li, Haotian Deng, Jiayao Li, Chunyi Peng and Songwu Lu
(SIGMETRICS'16), Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, June 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
How video streaming consumes power in 4G LTE networks
Jingyu Zhang, Gan Fang, Minyi Guo and Chunyi Peng,
IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM'16 ), Coimbra, Portugal, June 2016.
Profiling Energy Consumption of DASH Video Streaming over 4G LTE Networks
Jingyu Zhang, Gan Fang, Chunyi Peng, Minyi Guo, Sheng Wei and Viswanathan Swaminathan,
the 8th International Workshop on Mobile Video (MoVid'16 ), Klagenfurt, Austria, May 2016..
Understanding and Diagnosing Real-World Femtocell Performance Problems
Chunyi Peng, Yuanjie Li, Zhuoran Li, Jie Zhao and Jiaqi Xu
(INFOCOM'16 ), San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
iCellular: Define Your Own Cellular Network Access on Commodity Smartphones
Yuanjie Li, Haotian Deng, Chunyi Peng, Guan-Hua Tu, Jiayao Li, Zengwen Yuan, Songwu Lu
(NSDI'16 ), Santa Clara, CA, March 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
A First Look at Unstable Mobility Management in Cellular Networks
Yuanjie Li, Jiaqi Xu, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu
(HotMobile'16 ), Florida, Feb 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
VoLTE*: A Lightweight Voice Solution to 4G LTE Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Zenwen Yuan, Yuanjie Li, Xiaohu Zhao, Songwu Lu
(HotMobile'16 ), Florida, Feb 2016.
[PDF] [Slide]
Detecting Problematic Control-Plane Protocol Interactions in Mobile Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Chiyu Li, Songwu Lu,
IEEE Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp: 1209-1222, April 2016. .
Insecurity of Voice Solution VoLTE in LTE Mobile Networks
Chiyu Li, Guanhua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Zengwen Yuan, Yuanjie Li, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'15) ,
Denver, Colorado, Oct. 2015.
(acceptance rate: 128/646= 19.8%)
[Demos and codes upon Request]
How Voice Call Technology Poses Security Threats in 4G LTE Networks
Guanhua Tu, Chiyu Li, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu
proceedings of tthe IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security(CNS'15) , Florence, Italy, Sep. 2015.
(acceptance rate: 48/171= 28.1%)
InFrame++: Achieve Simultaneous Screen-Human Viewing and Hidden Screen-Camera Communication
Anran Wang, Zhuoran Li, Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Gan Fang, Bin Zeng,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Service ( MobiSys'15 ), Florence Italy, May 2015.
(acceptance rate: 29/219 = 13.2% )
Latency-Aware Rate Adaptation in 802.11n Home Networks
Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang and Ranveer Chandra,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications ( INFOCOM'15 ), Hong Kong, China, April, 2015.
(acceptance rate: 316/1640 = 19.3%)
A Measurement Study on TCP Behaviors in HSPA+ Networks on High-speed Rails
Li Li, Ke Xu, Dan Wang, Chunyi Peng, Qingyang Xiao and Rashid Mijumbi,
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications ( INFOCOM'15 ), Hong Kong, China, April, 2015.
(acceptance rate: 316/1640 = 19.3%)
An Energy Efficiency Perspective on Rate Adaptation for 802.11n NIC
Chi-Yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Peng Cheng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang, Fengyuan Ren, and Tao Wang,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2015 .
Real Threats to Your Data Bills: Security Loopholes and Defense in Mobile Data Charging
Chunyi Peng, Chiyu Li, Hongyi Wang, Guanhua Tu, Songwu Lu
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'14 ), Scottsdale, Arizona, Nov. 2014.
(acceptance rate: 114/585 = 19.5%)
[Slide ]
[Demos upon Request]
InFrame: Multiflexing Full-Frame Visible Communication Channel for Humans and Devices
Anran Wang, Chunyi Peng, Ouyang Zhang, Guobin Shen, and Bing Zeng,
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-XIII ), Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 2014.
(acceptance rate: 26/118 = 22.0%)
[Slide ]
[Demo: InFrame Video ]
Enhancing Reliability to Boost the Throughput over Screen-Camera Links
Anran Wang, Shuai Ma, Chunming Hu, Jinpeng Huai, Chunyi Peng and Guobin Shen
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'14 ), Maui, Hawaii, Sep. 2014.
(acceptance rate: 36/220 = 16.4%)
Control-Plane Protocol Interactions in Cellular Networks
Guanhua Tu, Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Chiyu Li, Hongyi Wang, Songwu Lu,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (SIGCOMM'14 ), Chicago, IL, August 2014.
(acceptance rate: 45/237 = 19.0% )
[ PDF ]
Ubiquitous Keyboard for Small Mobile Devices: Harnessing Multipath Fading for Fine-Grained Keystroke Localization
Junjue Wang, Kaichen Zhao, Xinyu Zhang, Chunyi Peng
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Service (MobiSys'14 ), Bretton Woods, NH, June 2014.
(acceptance rate: 25/221 = 11.3% )
[ PDF ]
Hidden Costs of Mobile Data Access in Cellular Networks
Zehui Li, Chunyi Peng, Yunxin Liu,
LANMAN'14, Reno, NV, USA, May 2014 (Invited Paper).
Epsilon: A Visible Light Based Positioning System
Liqun Li, Pan Hu, Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Feng Zhao,
Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI'14 ), Seattle, WA, April 2014.
(acceptance rate: 38/223 = 17.0%)
GreenBSN: Enabling Energy-Proportional Cellular Base Station Networks
Chunyi Peng, Suk-Bok Lee, Songwu Lu, Haiyun Luo,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Vol. 13, No. 11, pp: 2537 - 2551, Nov 2014.
Pharos: Enable Physical Analytics through Visible Light based Indoor Localization
Pan Hu, Liqun Li, Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Feng Zhao,
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-XII ), College Park, MD, Nov. 2013.
(acceptance rate: 26/110 = 23.6% )
- CMES: Collaborative Energy Save for MIMO 802.11 Wireless Networks
Ioannis Pefkianakis, Chiyu Li, Chunyi Peng, Suk-Bok Lee, Songwu Lu,
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'13 ), Gottingen, Germany, Oct. 2013.
(acceptance rate: 46/251 =18.3% )
How Voice Calls Affect Data in Operational LTE Networks
Guan-Hua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Hongyi Wang, Chi-Yu Li, Songwu Lu
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'13), Miami, FL, USA, Sep. 2013.
(acceptance rate: 28/208= 13.5% )
Accounting for Roaming Users on Mobile Data Access: Issues and Root Causes
Guan-hua Tu, Chunyi Peng, Chi-yu Li, Xingyu Ma, Hongyi Wang, Tao Wang, Songwu Lu
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Service (MobiSys'13), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2013.
(acceptance rate: 33/210= 15.7% )
Window-based Rate Adaptation in 802.11n Wireless Networks
Ioannis Pefkianakis, Yun Hu, Suk-Bok Lee, Chunyi Peng, Soa Sakellaridi, Songwu Lu,
ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp: 156-169,
Mobile Data Charging: New Attacks and Countermeasures
Chunyi Peng, Chi-yu Li, Guan-hua Tu, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang
CCS'12, Oct. 2012. (acceptance rate: 80/423 = 18.9%) [PDF]
Can We Pay for What We Get in 3G Data Access?
Chunyi Peng, Guan-hua Tu, Chi-yu Li, Songwu Lu,
MobiCom'12, Aug. 2012. (acceptance rate: 32/212 = 15.1%) [PDF]
Energy-based Rate Adaptation for 802.11n,
Chi-yu Li, Chunyi Peng, Songwu Lu, Xinbing Wang,
MobiCom'12, Aug. 2012. (acceptance rate: 32/212 = 15.1%) [PDF]
VDN: Virtual Machine Image Distribution Network for Cloud Data Centers,
Chunyi Peng, Minkyong Kim, Zhe Zhang, Hui Lei,
Infocom'12, Mar 2012. (acceptance rate: 278/1547 = 18%)[PDF] [slide]
BeepBeep: A High-Accuracy Acoustic-Based System for Ranging and Localization Using COTS Devices,
Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen and Yongguang Zhang,
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 11, No. 1, Article 4, March 2012. [PDF]
An Empirical Analysis of Similarity in Virtual Machine Images,
K. R. Jayaram, Chunyi Peng, Zhe Zhang, Minkyong Kim, Han Chen, Hui Lei,
Middleware'11, Dec 2011. [PDF]
Measuring redundancy level on the Web,
Alexander Afanasyev, Jiangzhe Wang, Chunyi Peng, Lixia Zhang,
AINTEC'11, Nov 2011. [PDF]
Traffic-Driven Power Saving in Operational 3G Networks,
Chunyi Peng, Suk-Bok Lee, Songwu Lu, Haiyun Luo, Hewu Li,
MobiCom'11, Sep 2011. (acceptance rate: 29/214 = 13.5%) [PDF][slide]
- Jiangzhe Wang, Chunyi Peng, Chiyu Li, Eric Osterweil, Ryuji Wakikawa, Pei-chun Cheng, Lixia Zhang,
Implementing Instant Messaging Using Named Data,
AINTEC'10, Nov 2010. [PDF]
- A Scalable Micro Wireless Interconnect Structure for CMPs,
Suk-Bok Lee, Sai-Wang Tam, Ioannis Pefkianakis, Songwu Lu, M. Frank Chang, Chuanxiong Guo, Glenn Reinman, Chunyi Peng, Mishali Naik, Lixia Zhang, Jason Cong
MobiCom'09, Sep 2009. (acceptance rate: 30/282=10.6%)[PDF]
Point&Connect: Intention-based Device Pairing for Mobile Phone Users,
Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Yongguang Zhang, and Songwu Lu,
Mobisys'09, June 2009. (acceptance rate: 26/128 = 20.3%) [PDF]
Analysis of classification margin for classification accuracy with applications,
Qutang Cai, Changshui Zhang, Chunyi Peng,
Neurocomputing, Vol.72, March 2009, pp: 1960-1968. [PDF]
- A Weighted Subspace Approach for Improving Bagging Performance,
Qutang Cai, Chunyi Peng, Changshui Zhang,
2008 International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr, 2008. [ PDF ]
- BeepBeep: A High Accuracy Acoustic Ranging System using COTS Mobile Devices,
Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Yongguang Zhang, Yanlin Li, and Kun Tan,
Sensys'07, Nov 2007. (acceptance rate: 25/149=16.8%)[PDF][PPT]
Anaylsis of Max-Min Eigenvalue of Constrained Linear Combinations of Symmetric Matrices,
Qutang Cai, Chunyi Peng, Changshui Zhang,
2007 International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2007 [PDF]
Measurement and Modeling of A Web-based Question Answering System,
Chunyi Peng, Zaoyang Gong, Guobin Shen,
The first IEEE Workshop on Web Systems and Implementation (Hotweb), Nov 2006[PDF][PPT]
Utilization and Fairness in Spectrum Assignment for Opportunistic Spectrum Access,
Chunyi Peng, Haitao Zheng, B.Y. Zhao,
ACM Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Vol. 11, No.4, May 2006, pp: 555-576. [PDF]
Collaboration and Fairness in Opportunistic Spectrum Access,
Haitao Zheng, Chunyi Peng,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2005 [PDF]
Learning Probability Density Functions from Marginal Distributions with Applications to Gaussian Mixtures,
Qutang Cai, Changshui Zhang, Chunyi Peng,
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 2005 [PDF]
A Block-Adaptive Subspace Method Using Oblique Projections for Blind Separation of Convolutive Mixtures,
Chunyi Peng, Xianda Zhang, Qutang Cai,
The International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN), May 2005 [PDF]
On Recursive Oblique Projectors,
Chunyi Peng, Xianda Zhang,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 6, June 2005, pp: 433-436 [PDF ]
Blind Separation of Convolutive Mixtures Using Oblique Projections (in Chinese),
Chunyi Peng, Xiaolong Zhu, Xianda Zhang,
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), Vol.25, No. 4, April 2005, pp: 517-520 [PDF]
- Demo:
Combating Caller ID Spoofing on 4G Phones Via CEIVE
Haotian Deng, Chunyi Peng,
MobiCom'18, (Best Demo Award).
- Demo:
In-device, Runtime Cellular Network Information Extraction and Analysis
Yuanjie Li, Zengwen Yuan, Haotian Deng, Amber Xiangli, Chunyi Peng, and Songwu Lu
- Demo: Achieve Simultaneous Screen-Human Viewing and Hidden Screen-Camera Communication
Anran Wang, Zhuoran Li, Gan Fang, Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Bin Zeng
Mobisys'15, 2015.
- Demo: A Paper Keyboard for Mobile Devices
Junjue Wang, Kaichen Zhao, Xinyu Zhang and Chunyi Peng,
ACM Mobisys'14, 2014.
- (Demo) Point2Share: Intuitive and Secure File Sharing Among Mobile Phone Users
Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Donggun Kim, Yongguang Zhang,
ACM Mobisys'08 Demo (best demo award), 2008.
- (Demo) A BeepBeep ranging system on mobile phones
Chunyi Peng, Guobin Shen, Zheng Han, Yongguang Zhang, Yanlin Li, Kun Tan
ACM Sensys'07 Demo (best demo award), 2007.
- (Demo) MobiUS: A Together-Viewing Mobile Video Experience
Guobin Shen, Yanlin Li, Chunyi Peng, Yongguang Zhang
ACM Mobisys'07 Demo (best demo award), 2007.