Please Join Our Corporate Partners Program
The Corporate Partners Program (CPP) is designed to foster close communication and promote mutually beneficial relationships between select corporations and the Department of Computer Science. This cooperation provides members with increased visibility and communication, interaction with students who may become future employees, interaction with faculty who are experts in relevant technical fields, and executive involvement. Partnerships provide the Department of Computer Science diversification of funding sources and access to modern instrumentation, as well as professional resources in tune to marketplace needs. It is a true partnership, where both sides benefit. View a list of our current partners and contact John Langenkamp for details on how to join.
John Langenkamp
Manager of Corporate Relations
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
305 N. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2107
Phone: (765) 494-6180 or (765) 494-5322
Fax: (765) 494-0739
The CS Corporate Partners Program offers the following options for participation.
Full Membership:
Trial Membership—6 months (one time only) $2,500
Friend $5,000 (full year)
Advisor $10,000 (full year)
*Single Event Participation:
Fall Career Fair $1,500
Company Day/Special Topic Workshop $600
Tech Talk $600
Combined company day/tech talk $1,000
Path to Success Days (February) $800
*Participation in single events is limited to three events/year
Full memberships run for one year, and employers may opt to move from one level to another as their memberships are renewed. They may also switch to the joint program or opt out of the fulltime membership and participate in single events. Employers will be invoiced for the level of participation they select.
Membership Benefits*
Friend Level - Recruiting Focus
Attendance at fall career fair, a company day (including use of video wall) and tech talk (fall semester only)
Direct contact with CS department
Opportunity to participate in other recruiting activities such as February Path to Success Days, and Bridge Program
Publicity in CS department (bulletin boards, website, video wall)
Advertising of partner-sponsored events (company days, etc.)
Posting of positions in weekly email to students
Salary/placement data
Assistance in developing strategy to attract candidates
Link on CS website to corporate web page
Opportunity to work with/support student organizations as desired
Opportunity to support CS department with merit-based scholarships
Invitation to spring awards banquet
Advisor Level - Advisory and Preferential Recruiting Focus
Benefits include all of the items listed above plus the following:
Interview space in Lawson Computer Science Building or Felix Haas Hall as available
Class project opportunity in CS 307/407
Invitation to attend fall CPP meeting in advisory capacity
- Company day (including use of video wall) and tech talk in both fall and spring (no company days during February Path to Success Days)
Reception/lunch with top students following fall CPP meeting
* Certain benefits are tiered and are first available to Advisor Partners, then to Friend Partners.
Each corporate member is asked to appoint a working contact person. Membership thus ensures a personal communication link and offers individualized service to member companies. Advisor level members are eligible for representation at the fall Corporate Partners meeting. The annual meeting held each fall provides opportunities to participate in curriculum development and networking with students, faculty, and corporate peers.