CS Researchers Awarded Best Paper at ICACC

Professor Bharat Bhargava received the Best Paper Award at the first International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC 2011) held this past April in India. Computer Science research assistant, Noopur Singh, and Asher Sinclair, Program Manager for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) assisted in the authoring of this paper.
The paper, "Privacy in Cloud Computing Through Identity Management" focuses on the migration of web applications to Cloud computing platform. This transition has raised concerns about the security and privacy of sensitive data belonging to the consumers of cloud services. The traditional form of security tokens like username/password used to access cloud services are prone to phishing attacks and hence do not provide complete security. In this work we propose to extend the Microsoft’s CardSpace identity management tool, to include more robust security tokens using the zero knowledge proof concept. These security tokens are in the form of SAML token supported by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and hence can prove interoperable with the existing security platforms.
Congratulations to all three on receiving this award!