Congratulations 2004 Ph.D Graduates!

The Department of Computer Science is proud to present the 2004 Ph.D. graduates!
Moustafa M. Hammad (advisor: Elmagarmid & Aref), "Query Processing in Stream Database Systems." Dr. Hammad accepted a position as Assitant Professor at the University of Calgary.
Mohamed M. Hefeeda (advisor: Bhargava), "A Framework for Cost-Effective Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution." Dr. Hefeeda accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the Simon Fraser University.
Ihab F. Ilyas (advisor: Elmagarmid & Aref), "Rank-aware Query Processing and Optimization." Dr. Ilyas accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo.
Benjamin Kuperman (advisor: Spafford) "A Categorization of Computer Security Monitoring Systems and the Impact on the Design of Audit Sources." Dr. Kuperman accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Swarthmore College.
Minseok Kwon (advisor: Fahmy), "Designing and Characterizing Overlay Networks." Dr. Kwon accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Yi Lu (advisor: Bhargava), "Adaptive and Heterogeneous Mobile Wireless Networks." Dr. Lu accepted a position with Microsoft, Seattle.
Di Ma (advisor: Palsberg), "Bounding the Stack Size of Interrupt-driven Programs." Dr. Ma accepted a position at Synopsis in Sunnyvale.
Radu Sion (advisor: Atallah & Prabhakar), "Rights Assessment for Discrete Digital Data." Dr. Sion accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University.
Jaideep S. Vaidya (advisor: Clifton),"Privacy Preserving Data Mining over Vertically Partitioned Data." Dr. Vaidya accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Rutgers University.
Thomas J. VanDrunen (advisor: Hosking), "Partial Redundancy Elimination for Global Value Numbering." Dr. VanDrunen accepted a position as Assitant Professor at Wheaton College.
Cheng Wang (advisor: Z. Li), "Program Analysis and Scheduling for Distributed Computing on Handheld Devices." Dr. Wang accepted a position at Microprocessor Technology Laboratory, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara.
We would like to congratulate all graduates on their achievements and wish them well in their new positions.

We would like to highlight Dr. Jaideep Vaidya's work in the area of data mining. Working jointly with his advisor, Professor Chris Clifton, their work was recognized at the Ninth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. This ACM sponsored conference is international known as the leading conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. The ninth ACM SIGKDD was held in Washington, DC, August 24-27, 2003.
Professor Clifton and Dr. Vaidya's research paper entitled "Privacy-Preserving K-Means Clustering over Vertically Partitioned Data" received the honorable mention for the best research paper at the conference. Their paper presents a method of sharing data while still maintaining privacy and security of participating sites. Clifton and Vaidya demonstrate how "to implement a standard data mining algorithm with provable privacy and information disclosure properties" in their paper. Focusing on reducing communication costs, their work "ensures reasonable privacy." A copy of their abstract and paper is available online.
Professor Chris Clifton joined the Purdue University Department of Computer Science in 2001. He received his M.A. from Princeton University in 1988 and his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1991. His research interests are in data mining technology, particularly data mining that respects privacy and security constraints on the underlying data. Professor Clifton's recent work on privacy preserving data mining plays a role in healthcare delivery systems which is a focus of Purdue's recently initiated Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering.
Dr. Vaidya has accepted a tenure track assistant professor position in the Management Science and Information Systems department at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.