
My collaborators and I often list students as first authors, ordered by contribution. * means equal contributions, [ABC] means alphabetical order.

Conference Papers

  1. zk-creds: Flexible Anonymous Credentials from zkSNARKs and Existing Identity Infrastructure. [PDF] [ePrint] [Code]
    Michael Rosenberg*, Jacob White*, Christina Garman, and Ian Miers. 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE SP'23), May 2023.


  1. Protected Automotive Remote Entry Device (PARED) Protocol. [PDF] [Poster]
    Siddharth Muralee*, Muhammad Ibrahim*, Jacob White*, et al. (as b01lers). 2023 MITRE Embedded Capture The Flag (MITRE eCTF'23), April 2023. [BEST POSTER AWARD]


  1. zk-creds: Flexible Anonymous Credentials from zkSNARKs and Existing Identity Infrastructure. [Slides]
    Jacob White and Michael Rosenberg, September 2023. Invited talk, UIUC.
  2. Authenticating Internet Routing Using Zero-Knowledge Proofs. [Slides]
    Jacob White, Zachary DeStefano, Michael Dixon. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), August 2023. Approved for unlimited release under LA-UR-23-29806.
  3. PARED Protocol. [Slides] [Video]
    Jacob White*, Siddharth Muralee*, et al. (as b01lers). 2023 MITRE Embedded Capture The Flag (MITRE eCTF'23), April 2023.

Technical Reports

The below list of technical reports is primarily meant to demonstrate my interest in a broad range of other topics. Most of these were written for fun or as a part of one of my courses, and were not written for (serious) publication at any venue.

  1. Preprocessing Security Analysis on Duplex Constructions with Applications to Ascon. [PDF]
    Jacob White, Adithya Bhat. Technical Report and Presentation (CS 655 Final Project, Audit), May 2023.
  2. Signal Secure Messaging Protocol. [PDF]
    Raushan Pandey, Jacob White [ABC]. Technical Report and Presentation, (CS 528 Final Project), May 2022.
  3. Grover's Algorithm. [PDF]
    Yinzhen Li, Varun Vora, Jacob White [ABC]. Technical Report and Presentation (CS 584 Final Project), May 2021.