Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
mace::_SerializeArray< Value >Generic class for serializing arrays
mace::_SerializeArray< Value >::const_iteratorSerializeArray must be able to iterate over the elements in a const fashion for serialization
mace::_SerializeArray< Value >::iteratorSerializeArray must be able to iterate over elements for deserialization
mace::_SerializeList< Value >Generic class for serializing lists
mace::_SerializeMap< Key, Value >Generic class for serializing maps
mace::_SerializeMap< Key, Value >::const_iteratorConst iteration is used for serializing map elements
mace::_SerializeSet< Value >Generic class for serializing sets
mace::_SerializeSet< Value >::const_iteratorSet serialization only requires const iteration, for serializing all the elements
AccumulatorSimple class for accumulating basic statistics
mace::AddressCacheImplements a cache for Bamboo, Pastry, or Chord, which tracks the address range of peers
mace::AddressCacheEntryEntry in an address cache, contains an _id, a start and end for a range, and a timestamp it was refreshed
AddressExceptionThrown for an invalid Mace/network address
adolfo_filterAverage bandwidth over a window of time, under an assumption of a fixed-size data packet
mace::array< T, size, Serial, Alloc >Mace::array extends std::vector, but is fixed in size, provides printing and serialization
BadFileTypeExceptionException thrown when the file type is unknown or erroneous
BandwidthFilterAnother filter for estimating bandwidth, but without fixed-size packets
BandwidthPairStores a <size, time> pair for bandwidth estimation
BandwidthTimeFilterBandwidth filter estimation with segments
Base64Class to encode and decode strings using Base64
BaseMaceServiceBase class for all generated Mace services
mace::BinaryLogObjectDefines a base class for all extensible binary logs for use with logreader
bitmap_digestCorrect and complete digest over the range it is currently supported
bitmapyStruct providing the storage for the bitmap_digest
BlockManagerThe base class (pure virtual) of a block manager interface for referencing files or segments as a set of blocks
BufferedBlockManagerThe BufferedBlockManager provides the BlockManager, using a FileBlockManager. It provides a thread for background loading of file blocks in response to explicit prefetchBlock() requests and in advance of the actual getBlock() requests for block data
mace::CandidateMap< Key, Data, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >Provides support for candidate sets as described in the AMMO/RanSub papers
CircularQueue< T >Implementation of a circuluar queue
CircularQueueList< T >Wrapper around CircularQueue to make it variable size
CircularUniqueQueue< T >Like CirculuarQueue, but doesn't insert duplicates
mace::ConstMapIterator< M >Java-style const iteration for C++ collections (next/hasNext)
mace::DB< Key, Data >Mace-friendly object oriented interface to Berkeley DB
mace::deque< T, Serial, Alloc >Mace::deque extends std::deque, provides contains(), erase(T), printability, and serializability
digestDigest interface, no default implementations
Enum< E >A template class for enumerations which allows them to be printable and serializable
ExceptionBase class for all Mace exceptions, which adds printability, and a common message field
FIFOLinkedList< T >Implements a linked list which only supports push/pop for FIFO use
FileBlockManagerThe FileBlockManager provides a BlockManager interface by interfacing directly with the filesystem. Often used below a BufferedBlockManager
FileExceptionException in file handling (often FileUtil methods)
FileNotFoundExceptionException to encapsulate E_NOTFOUND
FileUtilHelper methods for accessing the filesystem
GenericFilterBase class for all value filters
gtstringImplements a functor for string greater than
__gnu_cxx::__gnu_cxx::hash< mace::MaceTime >Functor which makes hashing MaceTime objects automatic
hash_bytes< T >Simple template class for hashing the bytes of arbitrary objects
mace::hash_map< Key, Data, Serial, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >Mace::hash_map extends std::hash_map, but provides Serialiable (optional), Printable, containsKey, get, and random
mace::hash_set< Key, Serial, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc >Mace::hash_set extends std::hash_set, adds printability and optional serialization, contains, and random
hash_stringStuct (functor) for computing the hash of a string for hash maps
HashUtilHelper class for computing SHA1 hashes. Requires openssl
HiResLoadMonitorFor monitoring CPU usage
IncomparableExceptionException when trying to compare two objects that cannot be compared
InvalidPathExceptionException indicating the specified path is invalid or not well formed
IOExceptionException during IO
mace::KeyRangeA pair of MaceKey which represent an inclusive start, exclusive end circulur key range for hash addresses
mace::KeyTraits< T >Basic class with types and no special properties
LinkLoopExceptionException to indicate a link loop (recursion error)
mace::list< T, Serial, Alloc >Mace::list extends std::list, but has support for printing and optional serialization
LoadMonitorFor monitoring uptime
LogThe main Mace logging subsystem class. The overview of the subsystem is defined in lib/Log.h
Log::MaceTraceStreamThis class is used for tracing output. Currently non-working, this was the beginning of a liblog style system for Mace
Log::NullOutputTypeUsed when compiling logging out. Designed to do nothing
Log::ThreadSpecificUsed internally by logging to store streams and per-thread information
LogIdSetPart of the logging subsystem
LogSelectorAn object describing a logging selection directive that indicates how to handle matching logs
mace::LRUCache< K, D >Provides a cache with a least recently used replacement policy and a map like interface
ltstringImplements a functor for string less than
mace::MaceAddrHelper class to represent Mace addresses
mace::MaceKeyThe base class of Mace addresses
mace::MaceKey_interfaceThe generic interface for MaceKey and its helper classes
mace::MaceKeyDiffA class to represent the difference between two bit array MaceKey objects (big integers). (like TimeDiff in other languages)
mace::MaceTimeSimulator and Modelchecker friendly versions of time-of-day objects. Can be used for real execution too
mace::MaceTimeComparitorFunctor for ordering MaceTime objects sanely in a map in the simulator
mace::MaceTimeEqualityFunctor for equality testing MaceTime objects sanely in a map in the simulator
mace::MaceTimeHashFunctor for hashing a MaceTime object
MailUtilSimple utility for sending emails
mace::Map< Key, Data >Map class -- undocumented
mace::map< Key, Data, Serial, Compare, Alloc >Mace::map extends std::map, but has support for printing and serialization, random element retrieval, and containsKey
mace::Map< Key, Data >::ScopedStorageScoped storage for map lookup and storage
mace::MapIterator< M >Java-style iteration for C++ collections (next/hasNext)
mace::MessageBase class for all Messages in Mace
mace::multimap< Key, Data, Serial, Compare, Alloc >Mace::multimap extends std::multimap, with support for printing and optional serialization, containsKey, get, and random
mace::NodeCollection< NodeType, MaxSize >Hybrid set/map containing a collection of objects about nodes
NullBlockManagerThe NullBlockManager by implementation does nothing. Used for performance testing
NumberGenKey based map for generating incremental values
mace::pair< F, S >Derives from mace::printpair, also adds serializability
params::ParamsDo not use directly. Use params:: methods instead
PermissionAccessExceptionException to encapsulate E_ACCESS
PipeClosedExceptionException for E_PIPE
PipedSignalUsed for lock-free signalling of threads, and to allow a select thread to be awoken by signal
mace::printpair< F, S >Implements the printable version of std::pair
mace::PrintPrintablePrintable helper class which handles the toString methods by just implementing the print methods
RandomUtilImplements a standard utility for getting random integer values, which can be replaced at runtime with a simulator/modelchecker version
ReadExceptionError on read
RunThreadClassClass marker for classes which are used for running new threads
SchedulerResponsible for firing timers and joining ended threads
mace::ScopedFingerprintUsed to compute a fingerprint of the call path of an event
ScopedLockScoped use of a lock
ScopedLogHandles printing a log message in the constructor and destructor
ScopedSerialize< STRING, ORIGIN >Connects a string and object for serialization and re-deserialization
mace::ScopedStackExecutionSupports deferring actions and identifying event boundaries
ScopedTimerAccumulate object lifetime into a variable
mace::SerializableObjects which know how to serialize themselves
mace::SerializationExceptionException for errors during serialization or deserialization
mace::SerializationUtilUtility for helping with Xml serialization
mace::SerializeArray< Value >Wrapper around _SerializeArray to provide Boost concept checking giving good error messages
mace::SerializeConcept< T >Class for use with concept checking to make better error messages
mace::SerializeList< Value >Wrapper around _SerializeList to provide Boost concept checking giving good error messages
mace::SerializeMap< Key, Value >Wrapper around _SerializeMap to provide Boost concept checking giving good error messages
mace::SerializerBase class for boost concept checking. Template parameter must derive from Serializer
mace::SerializeSet< Value >Wrapper around _SerializeSet to provide Boost concept checking giving good error messages
mace::set< Key, Serial, LessFcn, Alloc >Mace::set extends std::set, adds printability and optional serialization, contains, containsKey, set contains, and random element
smooth_filterImplements a simple weighted moving average based on a smooth_factor
mace::SockAddrHelper class to represent an IP and port pair
SockUtilHelper methods for dealing with sockets. Use instead of direct methods for portability
mace::SoftStateIndicates that this serializer does nothing, a type deriving from it will not be Serializable
mace::sparse_array< T, size >Interface like mace::array, but designed for sparse arrays
StatisticalFilterReturns basic statistics about series of values updated
StatisticalLimitFilterLike StatisticalFilter, but only keeps up to limit values
mace::StopwatchUsed to measure cumulative time
StrUtilHelper class for operating on and with strings
SwapMonitorA class which monitors and logs the swap utilization of a program
SysUtilSystem utility class for sleeping, selecting, and installing signal handlers
mace::TemplateMap< T >TemplateMap class -- undocumented
ThreadUtilDefines methods for thread utilities
TimerHandlerBase class for timers which can be scheduled with the scheduler
TimeUtilA Mace-friendly class for getting the time of day
mace::ToStringPrintablePrintable helper class which handles the print methods by just implementing the toString methods
UnreachablePrivateAddressExceptionThrown when a given address is an unreachable private address
UtilSet of basic non-categories utilities
mace::vector< T, Serial, Alloc >Mace::vector extends std::vector, but has support for printing and optional serialization, random, and the ability to get an array pointer
VMRSSLimitVirtual Memory Resident Set Size Limiter
WriteExceptionError on write

Generated on Sat Oct 4 21:30:25 2008 for Mace Library by  doxygen 1.5.5