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Mathematical Software

  1. POEXPINT: Polynomials orthogonal with respect to the exponential integral, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7X34VD9.
  2. CHA: Matlab programs for computing a challenging integral, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7QJ7F7V.
  3. MCD: Matlab programs for computing the Macdonald function for complex orders, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7B8562S.
  4. HPGT: High-precision Gauss-Turán quadrature rules, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R71V5BW8.
  5. NEUTRAL: Neutralizing nearby singularities in numerical quadrature, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R75H7D6P.
  6. RMOP: Repeated modifications of orthogonal polynomials, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7F18WNB.
  7. SRJAC: Sub-range Jacobi polynomials, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:
  8. HOGGRL: High-order generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulae for Jacobi and Laguerre weight functions, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.42
  9. OCVdM: Optimally conditioned Vandermonde matrices, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7TB14TB.
  10. LAMBERTW: Matlab programs for evaluating the Lambert W-functions and some of their integrals, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7Z31WJP.
  11. GQLOG: Matlab routines for computing Gauss quadrature rules with logarithmic weight functions, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R72R3PMB.
  12. CIZJP: Matlab programs for conjectured inequalities for zeros of Jacobi polynomials, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7KS6PH4.
  13. BIJ: Matlab programs for testing and extending Bernstein's inequality for Jacobi polynomials, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7V985Z5.
  14. OWF: Matlab programs for computing orthogonal polynomials with respect to densely oscillating and exponentially decaying weight functions, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7NK3BZ7.
  15. NUMINT: Numerical integration over the square in the presence of algebraic/logarithmic singularities, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7PK0D31.
  16. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the half-range Hermite weight function w(x)=exp(-x^2) on R_{+} computed by the SOPQ routine sr_halfrange
    hermite(100,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7X63JTM.
  17. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobilog1(100,0,0,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7J10128.
  18. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{1/2}log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobilog1(100,0,1/2,
    32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7NP22CZ.
  19. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=(1-x)^{1/2}log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobilog1(100,
    1/2,0,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R78G8HM8.
  20. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{1/2}(1-x)^{-1/2}log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobi
    log1(100,1/2,-1/2,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7SF2T39.
  21. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{-1/2}(1-x)^{-1/2}log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobilog1(100,-1/2,-1/2,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/
  22. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{1/2}(1-x)^{1/2}log(1/x) on (0,1) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_jacobi
    log1(100,1/2,1/2,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R74Q7RWJ.
  23. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=e^{-x}(x-1-logx) on (0,Inf) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_laguerrelog1(100,0,
    32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7W66HP7.
  24. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{1/2}e^{-x}(x-1-logx) on (O,Inf) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_laguerre
    log1(100,1/2,32), Purdue Univesity Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R75Q4T1B.
  25. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients relative to the weight function w(x)=x^{-1/2}e^{-x}(x-1-logx) on (0,Inf) computed by the SOPQ routine sr_laguerre
    log1(100,-1/2,32), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7RF5RZH.
  1. SOPQ: Symbolic OPQ, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:4231/R7ZG6Q6T.
  1. INERFC: Evaluation of the repeated integrals of the coerror function by half-range Gauss-Hermite quadrature, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7R
  2. Matlab scripts for a discrete top-down Markov problem in approximation theory, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R74Q7RX0.
  3. Matlab scripts for the Ismail-Letessier-Askey (ILA) monotonicity onjecture for zeros of ultraspherical polynomials, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R78G
  4. OPCBSPL: Orthogonal polynomials relative to cardinal B-spline weight functions, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7NG4NKC.
  5. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the coerror weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R71J97Q6.
  6. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the reciprocal gamma weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7S180GF.
  7. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the elliptic Chebyshev weight function with parameter om2=1/2, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7HH6H1D.
  8. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the elliptic Chebyshev weight function with parameter om2=.999, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7N877RQ.
  9. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Fermi-Dirac weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7HQ3WW3.
  10. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Theodorus weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7CZ354Q.
  11. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for an algebraically/logarithmically singular weight function on (0,1), Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/ R7862DD9.
  12. 32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients for the Freud function with exponent 4, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7VX0DHD.
  13. 32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients for the Freud weight function with exponent 6, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R70P0X0Q.
  14. 32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients for the Freud function with exponent 8, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7R78C5Q.
  15. 32-digit values of the first 100 beta coefficients for the Freud weight function with exponent 10, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R74F1NPK.
  16. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Bose-Einstein weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7MG7MGF.
  17. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Bose-Einstein-type weight function with exponent 2, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7GQ6VQ8.
  18. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Bose-Einstein-type weight function with exponent 3, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7BZ640B.
  19. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Bose-Einstein-type weight function with exponent 4, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7765C8X.
  20. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a modified Bessel weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R73F4MKN.
  21. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for an Airy weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7V122R6.
  22. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the half-range generalized Hermite weight function with exponent 0, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7ZP443R.
  23. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the half-range generalized Hermite weight function with exponent -1/2, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7Q81B2B.
  24. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the half-range generalized Hermite weight function with exponent 1/2, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7KH0K95.
  25. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Jacobi weight function on [0,1] with exponents -1/2 times a logarithmic factor, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7FQ9TKW.
  26. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the Jacobi weight function on [0,1] with exponent 1/2 times a logarithmic factor, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R79Z92VJ.
  27. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a weight function on [0,1] having at 0 an algebraic singularity with exponent -1/2 and a square-logarithmic singularity, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R72J68T4.
  28. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a weight functiion on [0,1] having at 0 an algebraic singularity with exponent 1/2 and a square-logarithmic singularity, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7XS5SC9.
  29. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Laguerre weight function multiplied by a logarithmically singular function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7T151N8.
  30. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Laguerre weight function with exponent -1/2 multiplied by a logarithmically singular function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7P848W3.
  31. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for a generalized Laguerre weight function with exponent 1/2 multiplied by a logarithmically singular function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7JH3J5S.
  32. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the exponential integral weight function E_nu with nu=1, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7DR2SF2.
  33. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the finite-range exponential integral weight function E_nu with nu=1 and range , , Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R79021RG.
  34. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the finite-range exponential integral weight function E_nu with nu=1 and range , , Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7WS8R7X.
  35. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the second-order cardinal B-spline weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7.
  36. 32-digit values of the first 100 recurrence coefficients for the 10th-order cardinal B-spline weight function, Purdue University Research Repository, doi:10.4231/R7.


  1. National Science Foundation, Research in numerical analysis,

    6/1/76 - 5/31/78, $25,700.

  2. National Science Foundation, Gauss type quadrature rules,

    6/1/80 - 5/31/82, $39,171.

  3. National Science Foundation, Applied orthogonal polynomials,

    6/1/82 - 7/31/90, $303,607.

  4. National Science Foundation, Mathematical sciences: applied orthogonal polynomials,

    6/1/91 - 11/30/93, $107,500.

  5. National Science Foundation, Mathematical sciences: orthogonal polynomials - applications and computation,

    6/1/94 - 12/31/95, $90,000.


Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews 1956-
Consultant, Argonne National Laboratory 1967-77
C.I.M.E. Lecturer, Perugia, Italy 1965
ACM National Lecturer 1966-67
SIAM Visiting Lecturer 1971-72, 1975-76
Invited Lecturer, Summer Courses in Mathematics, Perugia 1972, 1973
and Cortona, Italy 1974, 1975
  1977, 1980
  1981, 1986
Member, Stiftungsrat of the A.M. Ostrowski Foundation  
for an International Prize in Higher Mathematics 1995 -
Member, 1999 Henrici Prize Committee 1999


Editorial Committee, Mathematics of Computation 1966-1999
Managing Editor 1984-1995
Editorial Board, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1970-73
Editorial Board, Numerische Mathematik 1971-
Honorary Editor 1991-
Editorial Board, Calcolo 1975-1987
Special Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications 1981-83


Ramsey Vincent Michel Zahar (1968)
James Lincoln Phillips (1969)
Larry Arnold Anderson (1974)
Ja-Chen Lin (1988)
Sotirios E. Notaris (1988)
Shikang Li (1992)
Minda Zhang (1993)


Hiroki Yanagiwara, Japan (1971-72)

Giovanni Monegato, Italy (1974-76)

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Walter Gautschi 2017-11-27