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Load Instructions

la Rdest, address Load Address tex2html_wrap_inline1278
Load computed address, not the contents of the location, into register Rdest.

lb Rdest, address Load Byte
lbu Rdest, address Load Unsigned Byte
Load the byte at address into register Rdest. The byte is sign-extended by the lb, but not the lbu, instruction.

ld Rdest, address Load Double-Word tex2html_wrap_inline1278
Load the 64-bit quantity at address into registers Rdest and Rdest + 1.

lh Rdest, address Load Halfword
lhu Rdest, address Load Unsigned Halfword
Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at address into register Rdest. The halfword is sign-extended by the lh, but not the lhu, instruction

lw Rdest, address Load Word
Load the 32-bit quantity (word) at address into register Rdest.

lwcz Rdest, address Load Word Coprocessor
Load the word at address into register Rdest of coprocessor z (0-3).

lwl Rdest, address Load Word Left
lwr Rdest, address Load Word Right
Load the left (right) bytes from the word at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest.

ulh Rdest, address Unaligned Load Halfword tex2html_wrap_inline1278
ulhu Rdest, address Unaligned Load Halfword Unsigned tex2html_wrap_inline1278
Load the 16-bit quantity (halfword) at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest. The halfword is sign-extended by the ulh, but not the ulhu, instruction

ulw Rdest, address Unaligned Load Word tex2html_wrap_inline1278
Load the 32-bit quantity (word) at the possibly-unaligned address into register Rdest.

Antony Hosking
Fri Apr 12 10:48:03 EST 1996