Class Summary |
FileScan |
Wrapper for heap file scan, the most basic access method. |
IndexScan |
Wrapper for bucket scan, an index access method. |
Iterator |
Minibase Iterators |
KeyScan |
Wrapper for hash scan, an index access method. |
Predicate |
Internal representation of simple SQL expressions. |
Projection |
The projection operator extracts columns from a relation; unlike in
relational algebra, this operator does NOT eliminate duplicate tuples. |
Schema |
Each tuple has a schema that defines the logical view of the raw bytes; it
describes the types, lengths, offsets, and names of a tuple's fields. |
Selection |
The selection operator specifies which tuples to retain under a condition; in
Minibase, this condition is simply a set of independent predicates logically
connected by OR operators. |
SimpleJoin |
The simplest of all join algorithms: nested loops (see textbook, 3rd edition,
section 14.4.1, page 454). |
Tuple |
Each tuple in a relation is a collection of bytes that must fit within a
single page. |