Advertisement (Fall 2017): I am hiring!
I am looking for MS and PhD students with full finance support for the mobile networked system research.
You can check my recent projects at my homepage
here .
In particular, I am looking for the students (1) who are interested in a large-scale experimentation and data analytics or (2) who have strong programing/hacking experience at both CS and ECE for 5G innovations.
Of course, you are encouraged to take this course and learn more!
Syllabus: PDF
Reference and reading list: Here
09/05/2017: This course is moved to blackboard. Schedule may not be updated here.
Date | Topic | Assignments and Notes |
W1 (08/22, 08/24) |
No class, do the assignment |
1. Read the syllabus here, and email me if any question.
2. Learn how to read, present, comment (critique), write papers. Many useful sources like: 1
2, 3
W2 (08/29, 08/31) |
1. Introduction to 5G and B5G
2. A brief background in mobile network |
1. Reading (5G white paper): NGMN 5G White Paper , 2015
2. Reading (background on mobile network evolution) (Presentation): The Evolution of Mobile Technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, Qualcomm , 2014
W3 (09/05, 09/07) |
Part I: 5G apps (pull from user demands)
Lecture: (1) app overview and 5G objectives, (2) 5G apps in the automotive sector and D2D technologies
W4 (09/12, 09/14) |
09/12: IoT applications and technologies: (1) Heng Zhang's presentation: Internet of Things in 5G Era; (2) Mohammad Haseeb's presentation: : 3GPP Standards for the Internet-of-Things
09/14: Other 5G apps and technologies: (1) Henry's Presentation: Media and Entertainment Sector (2) Sowmya's presentation on eHealth sector
Note: all the reading on 5G apps are not eligible for in-class presentation after 09/14.
W5 (09/19, 09/21) |
Part II: 5G technologies (overview and radio)
W6 (09/26, 09/28) |
Part II: 5G technologies (core network): Network slicing, C-RAN, NFV, SDN
W7 (10/03, 10/05) |
Part II: 5G technologies (mobile edge computing, management and orchestration, discussion)
W8 (10/10, 10/12) |
10/10: No class (fall break)
10/12: Midterm (in-class)
W9 (10/17, 10/19) |
No class (Make-up provided)
Make-up: 10/27 4-5:30PM, Friday, LWSN B151
W10 (10/24, 10/26, 10/27) |
10/24: Part III: Overview of Active Research and Course scheduling
Part III: Clean-slate design (DPCM, MobiCom'17)
10/26: Part III: Clean-slate design (ParaBox, SOSR'17, rethinking LTE virtualization,ICNP'17)
10/27: Part III: Network architecture
In-class presenation by Amit Sheoran: A High Performance Packet Core for Next Generation Cellular Networks, SIGCOMM'17
In-class presenation by Haotian Deng, Open network interfaces for carrier networks, by CCR'16
Course project QA
W11 (10/31, 11/2) |
10/31: Part III: network analytics
MobileInsight, Mobicom'16
In-class presentation by Andrew (CellIQ, NSDI'15)
11/2: Part III: misconfiguration and failures
iCellular, NSDI'16
W12 (11/7, 11/9) |
Course proejct updates (15 min each)
Part III: security (SMS security at CCS'16, Oakland'16)
W13 (11/14, 11/16) |
11/14: Part III: Network verification (2 papers)
11/16: Part III: PHY techinques
In-Class presentation by Yihan: Eliminating Channel Feedback in Next-Generation Cellular Networks, SIGCOMM'16.
In-Class presneation by Ans: LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum: Are We There Yet?, Mobicom'16.
W14 (11/21, 11/23) |
11/21: Part III: Application specific optimization
In-Class presentation by Chuan: NutShell: Scalable Whittled Proxy Execution for Low-Latency Web over Cellular Networks
Tentative: Furion, Mobicom'16 or others
11/23: No class (thanksgiving)
W15 (11/28, 11/30) |
Course project presentation
Homework due on 11/30 (hard deadline)
W17 (12/12) |
Course project report due on 12/12/2017 (hard deadline)
5G is on the way. It is profoundly upgrading our ?anytime, anywhere? network access in many aspects.
- What exciting applications are coming to our daily life in a few years?
- What are stringent demands and technical challenges that arise?
- What are the cutting-edge technology enablers?
- What still remain largely unaddressed and call for our research efforts?
In this course, we are going to answer the above questions and explore the ongoing revolution to next-generation mobile network technology.
We will focus on three elements.
- First, we will start with new apps and new demands in a well-connected 5G world. We will examine what challenges and opportunities arise on VR/AR, massive IoT, smart city, autonomous driving, tactile internet, remote healthcare, to name a few. We will cover several critical demands like extremely low latency, reliability, and efficiency/scalability.
- Second, we then learn the state-of-the-art of the mainstream architecture, protocols and technologies (adopted by the giant players and standardization). We are going to cover advanced topics on NFV, SDN, edge computing, cloudlet, network slicing, RAN innovation and heterogeneous wireless technologies, etc.
- Finally, we will explore the topics of our interests and gain experience by carrying out original research projects. These topics will cover, not limited to the formal methods to understand and verify networking system design and practice; the data-driven approach to analyze and diagnose networking system behaviors, provable correct re-design which improves network performance and reliability, and many other innovations toward better application experience in 5G and B5G.
Throughout this course, students will learn key principles in mobile networking research, understand the state-of-art and recent trends, master a suite of research skills (e.g., paper reading, critique, critical thinking, problem solving, report writing, team work, communication, and presentation), and gain experience of carry out original research through course projects. Hopefully, through this course, students will generate publishable results from course projects or find some interesting topics for your long-term research.
As an advanced topic course, we assume that students already have a basic understanding on networking fundamentals. The students must take undergraduate/graduate class CS422/CS536 or equivalent courses before.
Project experience and good programming skills are a must, as the course project is an important part of this class.
Many topics in this course are inter-disciplinary and require to apply technologies in distributed systems, programming language, data mining and machine learning. This is a great plus but optional. I also encourage the students in those areas to apply cutting-edge techniques to resolve the problems in 5G and B5G.
No textbooks are required.
The course materials are mainly from the lecturing slides I?ve made and research papers from top conferences like SIGCOMM, MOBICOM, NSDI, MobiSys etc.
- In-class presentation and discussion: 20%
- Homework: 20%
- Midterm: 20%
- Project: 40%
In-class presentation and discussion: Each student picks one paper from the reading list or other top conferences (please let me know your pick in advance). It is encouraged to read the paper relevant to your project. I will coordinate the presentation order (in topics)..
Homework 3 homework assignments. Each is assigned as the reading summary (one-page critique) of the paper assigned or the topic to be discussed. It is also encouraged to choose three relevant papers in one topic. If you want to choose this option, please get my approval first.
Midterm An in-class midterm is to cover the lectures and topics discussed as a regular course.
Course project The project will be done in a team of 2-4 students. Team and topic will be determined in the first few weeks. A course project report, with an in-class presentation in the final week is required.