Test Plan

A Test Plan can be in whatever format you want. It should consist of a number of Test Cases -- each having...

A. Its own identification number, descriptive title, and severity level.
B. Set of instructions telling the tester exactly what to do.
C. Expected result telling the tester what the system should do in response to the instructions.

(See Review of Testing and Inspecting Concepts Taught in CS 30700, slides 14-21.)

Below is a snippet of a Test Plan that shows a few cases for turning cameras on and for calculating the monthly payment for a car:

A. Identification and Classification
B. Instructions
C. Expected Result

A. Camera 001, Camera Button, Severity 1
B. Click "Turn on Camera" button.
C. Popup box appears asking "Which camera do you want to turn on?"

A. Camera 002, Camera Popup, Severity 1
B. Enter number 1-4 in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field.
C. Correct camera screen appears (identified by camera number in lower right corner).

A. Camera 003, Bad Camera Number 0, Severity 2
B. Enter number 0 in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field.
C. Popup box appears saying "Camera number must be 1-4."

A. Camera 004, Bad Camera Number above 4, Severity 2
B. Enter number 5 or greater in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field.
C. Popup box appears saying "Camera number must be 1-4."

A. Camera 005, Bad Camera Number - Camera Already On, Severity 3
B. Enter number in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field for camera that is already on.
C. Popup box appears saying "Camera number xxx is already on."

A. Car Loan 001, All Values in Range, Severity 1
B. Enter 0-50000 in "Car Cost" text field, 1-60 in "Number of Months" text field, and 1.00-8.00 in "Interest Rate" text field.
C. "Monthly Payment" field should have amount determined from formula
"Monthly Payment" = "Car Cost" * ("Interest Rate"/12) * (1 - (1-"Interest Rate")**"Number of Months")

A. Car Loan 002, Car Cost Out of Range, Severity 3
B. Enter 50001 in "Car Cost" text field, 1-60 in "Number of Months" text field, and 1.00-8.00 in "Interest Rate" text field.
C. "Monthly Payment" field should say "Car Cost cannot exceed $50,000."

Note that...

Camera 001 tests the functionality of the "Turn on Camera" button.

Camera 002 tests the equivalence class of correct camera numbers 1-4.

Camera 003 tests the boundary value 0 from the equivalence class of incorrect camera numbers below 1.

Camera 004 tests the equivalence class of incorrect camera numbers above 4.

Camera 005 tests that the software will recognize when a camera is already turned on when there is a request to turn it on.

Car Loan 001 tests the functionality of the "Monthly Payment" calculation with all values in range. The only way to tell the tester the expected result is to give him/her the "Monthly Payment" formula.

Car Loan 002 tests the equivalence class of incorrect "Car Cost" above $50,000.

Camera 001, Camera 002, and Car Loan 001 are all Severity 1 -- critical to the success of the software.

Camera 003 and Camera 004 are Severity 2 -- important.

Camera 005 and Car Loan 002 are Severity 3 -- software could function even with this defect in it.