CS 33400 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics

-general information-


Final: Wed 12/15/2010  7:00p - 9:00p      HAAS G066

Administrative affairs

·                 Instructor: Voicu Popescu, popescu@purdue.edu

-        Office hour: by appointment, LWSN 3179

·                 Teaching assistant: Neil Battacharya, nbhattac@purdue.edu


·       Basics

·       Triangle rasterization

·       Planar pinhole camera

·       Rasterization parameter interpolation

·       Basic lighting and shading

·       Texture mapping

·       Environment mapping

·       Projective texture and shadow mapping

·       Hardware rendering

·       Geometry approximations for interactive reflection rendering









We will spend the semester studying and implementing interactive 3D graphics techniques. The syllabus has three parts.

·                 Basics

o   Vectors, matrices, transformations

o   Basic analytical geometry (e.g. points, lines, segments, planes, triangles, intersections)

o   Camera models, projection, navigation

·                 Classic feed-forward rendering

o   Rasterization

o   Screen space and model space interpolation

o   Basic shading

o   Texture mapping, projective texture mapping

o   Shadow mapping

o   Environment mapping

o   Antialising

o   GPU programming

·                 Advanced rendering techniques (a subset of the following topics, time permitting)

o   Ray tracing

o   Geometric modeling

o   Image-based rendering

o   Automated scene modeling (e.g. stereo, structured light, laser range finding)

o   Computational photography

o   Camera model design


Required (but Fun) Work

Cheating policy

Course material

Voicu Popescu, fall 2010