CS 381: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

FALL 1999


Welcome to CS381!
This site (http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/seh/F99web/) contains important administrative information, class announcements, assignments, handouts, and supplementary study material.

Instructor, Section 1
Professor Susanne E. Hambrusch
seh@cs.purdue.edu, 216 CS Building, 494-1831.
Class Time: MWF 9:30, BRWN 1151
Office Hours: Wednesday, 2-3pm, Friday, 11-12pm.

Instructor, Section 2
Professor Concettina Guerra
guerra@cs.purdue.edu, 226 CS Building, 494-6014.
Class Time: MWF 12:30, UNIV 303
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, 11-12pm.

Teaching Assistants
Note: Office assignments may change by September 6. Please check for changes.

Biana Babinsky, babinsb@cs.purdue.edu , 403 Math. Sciences Bldg., 4-5005.
Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday 9-10am.

Tian Luan, luan@cs.purdue.edu , 403 Math. Sciences Bldg., 4-5005.
Office hours: Tuesday, Friday 3-4pm.

Cenyu Zhang, czhang@cs.purdue.edu , 435 Math. Sciences Bldg. 4-6019
Office hours: Wednesday 4-5pm, Thursday 11-12pm.

Mail alias
If you have a general question about the course or an assignment, please send mail to cs381@cs.purdue.edu . This mail alias reaches the instructors from both sections and the TAs.

Susanne E Hambrusch
Last modified: Thu Oct 14 11:46:19 EST 1999