CS 381: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

FALL 1999

The course gives a broad introduction the design and analysis of computer algorithms. General topics to be covered include: growth of functions, recurrences, sorting and order statistics, fundamental and advanced data structures, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, graph searching and graph algorithms, string matching, NP-completeness, approximation algorithms, parallel and distributed algorithms.

Instructor, Section 1
Professor Susanne E. Hambrusch
seh@cs.purdue.edu, 216 CS Building
Class Time: MWF 9:30, LAEB 2280
Office Hours: Wednesday, 2-3pm, Friday, 11-12pm.

Instructor, Section 2
Professor Concettina Guerra
guerra@cs.purdue.edu, 226 CS Building
Class Time: MWF 12:30, BRWN 1151
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, 11-12pm.

Teaching Assistants

Text (required)
Supplementary texts focusing on data structures
Supplementary texts on algorithms

Course work
Course policies
Susanne E Hambrusch
Last modified: Fri Sep 3 15:10:39 EST 1999