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Getting Started

Orbix has been instaled in xinuserver instead of lorenzo. You can rlogin to xinuserver using your xinu accounts.

You have to modify your .cshrc file to include the following environment variable setings:

          setenv MANPATH ``/u/u238/grr/Orbix/man: . . .''
          setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ``/u/u238/grr/Orbix/lib: . . .''
          setenv PATH ``/u/u238/grr/Orbix/bin: . . .''
          setenv IT_CONFIG_PATH /home/Orbix/Orbix.cfg

Don't forget to source .cshrc after you make this changes.

The grid example described in the first section of the Orbix documentation is in /u/u238/grr/Orbix/demos. Copy this directory to your working directory to test Orbix.

          cp -r /u/u238/grr/Orbix/demos ~/Orbix/demos
          cd ~/Orbix/demos/grid

After make is complete, follow the instructions shown in the screen to register the grid server and to run the grid client program. To explore Orbix you can browse and modify the grid sources.

There are two copies of the ORBIX manuals and extra copies of the documentation distributed during class in the Xinu lab.

Start ASASP. You just have two weeks to finish the project.

Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera
Fri Apr 12 20:37:29 EST 1996