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The goal of this project is to write a simple banking application using distributed objects in Orbix. You are going to use an already defined banking interface. For your convenience also a client program is given to test your implementation.

You can find the following files in the project3's directory:

         BANK.idl       idl description of Bank
         ClientMain.C   client program
         Makefile   Makefiles
         BANK_i.hh      Bank implementation header (empty)
         BANK_i.C       Bank implementation source (emty)
         Server_Main.C  Server main (emtpty)

BANK.idl is the description of the Bank in idl. ClienMain.C is the client program that you are going to use to test your implementation. Makefile and have everything you need to compile and link your server and client. The other files, BANK_i.hh, BANK_i.C, and Server_Main.C are empty and are the files that you are going to write to create the bank server.

Copy this directory to your current directory.

          mkdir ~/Orbix
          cp -r ~/u/u3/603/96spring/project3/src ~/Orbix/project3

I recommend you to build the application incrementally. You can comment out part of the interface and part of the client program and make the most basic features of the server work first. The client program has several tests that are ordered by complexity. Make test 1 run first, then test 2 etc.

The goal is to make the whole client program run right.

Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera
Fri Apr 12 20:37:29 EST 1996