CS352: Compilers: Principles and Practice

Spring 2011

Description Schedule Lectures Academic Integrity Policy Homeworks Exams Project

Last updated: January 12, 2011

Instructor: Xiangyu Zhang (xyzhang@cs.purdue.edu)
Classroom: LWSN B155, Class time: Tu/Th 10:30-11:45am
Office hours: Mon. 9:30-10:30am, Tu. 1-2pm (LWSN 3154K), or by appointment.

Midterm Exam 1: Feb. 17 (in class).
Midterm Exam 2: Mar. 24 6:30-7:45pm LWSN B155.

Class mailing list: spring-2011-cs-35200-le1@lists.purdue.edu
The mailing list is used by the TA and instructor to send time-critical messages to the students. The students should not send email to the class list. Send email to the TA and/or the instructor directly, instead, if need help. Use the newsgroup (see below) for general discussions with peers.


Bin Li (lib@cs.purdue.edu)
Office Hours: 12:30-1:30pm, 3:30-4:30pm Th, HAAS G060, phone: 765-494-7811.
Outside office hour, please send email to make appointment.

Projects and Homeworks

There will be three projects building different components in a Mini Java compiler.
Computer platforms for course projects: The computers in Lab B148, which can be remote logged in to using machine names PODx-y, where 1 <= x <= 5 and 1 <= y <=5.

Expect 5 or 6 written homework assignments.


Grading Policy: Problems regarding grading of assignments and the midterm exams must be resolved within one week after the graded work has been returned to you. It is your responsibility to pick up the graded work on time. The grades will not be modified after the one week period.

Normally, the TA makes the final decisions on assigning the grade for each assignment and the instructor makes the decisions on each exam question. Therefore, please resolve grading issues with the right person. However, if a student believes the TA's solution is wrong for a certain problem, then he or she can ask the instructor for clarification.

Late Work Policy: Each student is given two "late days" through the entire semester for possible late turn in of a project. Each use will be either one day or both of the two days. The TA will keep a record on the grade book on how many "late days" a student has used.
No other late turn-in of projects will be accepted. Exceptions will be given only in the most extreme circumstances. Any travel, including interview trips, load from work or other classes, or simply not being able to get your program to run will not be grounds for extensions or exceptions. The two late days are allotted for your convenience in such situations. Late work for written homeworks is not accepted.

Makeup Exam Policy A make-up exam is given only in the most extreme circumstances and requires certification for such circumstances: e.g. medical doctor's statement certifying that the student is unable to attend the scheduled exam. Any travel (including interview trips), load from work or from other classes, failed alarm clocks, or simply not being able to make it to the exam will not be grounds for a make-up. If you have any recurring medical problems that may unexpectedly prevent you from making it to class or exams, please obtain a doctor's statement certifying your circumstances.


Weights of Course work Components:

I reserve the right to adjust this weighting at any time.


Advise on Reading Textbook : Students are advised to read the parts of the textbook in the scope listed in the schedule. Follow the publication of the lecture notes (which are posted a few days before the class) to see what in the textbook to read in advance. Then read again after the class to think further.


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