CS47100: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2025)

Images generated from ImageGen 3 with text prompt A class on Artificial Intelligence, digital art.

Course Information

Artificial intelligence (AI) is about building intelligent machines that can perceive and act rationally to achieve their goals. To prepare students for this endeavor, we cover the following topics in this course: Search, constraint satisfaction, logic, reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, and planning. There will be four assignments in the form of both written and programming problems.





Instructor & TAs

Raymond A. Yeh


Email: rayyeh [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Monday 9:00-10:00AM
Location: Zoom (See Ed.)

Kai Cheng

Teaching Assistant

Email: cheng753 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Wednesday 1:00-2:00PM
Location: DSAI B061

Jiaxin Du

Teaching Assistant

Email: du286 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Thursday 3:30-4:30PM
Location: DSAI B055

Mir Imtiaz Mostafiz

Teaching Assistant

Email: mmostafi [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Friday 12:00-1:00PM
Location: HAAS G072

Jinzhao Li

Teaching Assistant

Email: li4255 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Friday 12:00-1:00PM
Location: DSAI B061

Abhijeet Vyas

Teaching Assistant

Email: vyas26 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Thursday 2:00-3:00PM
Location: HAAS G072

Hairong Yin

Teaching Assistant

Email: yin178 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Tuesday 1:00-2:00PM
Location: DSAI B055

Haomeng Zhang

Teaching Assistant

Email: zhan5050 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Thursday 11:00AM-12:00PM
Location: DSAI B061

Mutian Zhang

Teaching Assistant

Email: zhan5048 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Friday 9:00-10:00AM
Location: DSAI B061


Undergraduate TA

Email: mparhy [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Friday 10:30-11:30AM
Location: DSAI B047


Undergraduate TA

Email: suh65 [at] purdue.edu
Office Hour: Thursday 10:00-11:00AM
Location: DSAI B061

Time & Location

  • Time: Tuesday & Thursday (6:00 pm - 7:15 pm)
  • Location: Lilly Hall of Life Sciences (LILY) 1105

Other Resource

Course Schedule

The following schedule is tentative and subject to change.

January 14 Lecture 1 Introduction & Overview

AIMA Ch. 1
January 16 Lecture 2 AI Representation

AIMA Ch. 2
January 20 Info. Assignment 1 released

Select from the following:
January 21 Lecture 3 Search - I: Problem Formulation

AIMA Ch. 3.1-3.3
January 23 Lecture 4 Search - II: Uninformed Search

AIMA Ch. 3.4
January 28 Lecture 5 Search - III: Informed search

AIMA Ch. 3.5-3.6
January 30 Lecture 6 Local search

AIMA Ch. 4.1
February 4 Lecture 7 Adversarial search - I: Minimax

AIMA Ch. 5.1-5.2
February 6 Lecture 8 Adversarial search - II: Alpha-Beta Pruning

AIMA Ch. 5.3
February 7 Deadline Assignment 1 due (Friday February 7, 11:59PM)

Select from the following:
February 10 Info. Assignment 2 released

Select from the following:
February 11 Lecture 9 CSP - I: Problem Formulation and Inference

AIMA Ch. 6.1-6.2
February 13 Lecture 10 CSP - II: Backtracking and Local Search

AIMA Ch. 6.3-6.5
February 18 Lecture 11 Logic - I: Propositional Logic

AIMA Ch. 7.2-7.4
February 20 Lecture 12 Logic - II: Propositional Theorem Proving

AIMA Ch. 7.5-7.6
February 25 Lecture 13 Logic - III: First Order Logic Senmatics

AIMA Ch. 8.2-8.3
February 27 Lecture 14 Logic - IV: First Order Logic Inference

AIMA Ch. 9.1-9.5
February 28 Deadline Assignment 2 due (Friday February 28, 11:59PM)

Select from the following:
March 3 Info. Assignment 3 released

Select from the following:
March 4 Lecture 15 Midterm Review

March 6 --- No class (Evening midterm exam)

Select from the following:
March 6 Exam Evening midterm exam (8:00PM - 10:00PM)

Select from the following:
March 11 Lecture 16 Probability and Uncertainty

AIMA Ch. 12.2-12.6
March 13 Lecture 17 Bayesian Networks - I: Representation and Semantics

AIMA Ch. 13.1-13.2
March 18 Info. No class (Spring Break)

Select from the following:
March 20 Info. No class (Spring Break)

Select from the following:
March 25 Lecture 18 Bayesian Networks - II: Independence

March 27 Lecture 19 Bayesian Networks - III: Inference

AIMA Ch. 13.3-13.4
April 1 Lecture 20 Markov Decision Process - I: Problem Formulation

AIMA Ch. 17.1
April 3 Lecture 21 Markov Decision Process - II: Value Iteration

AIMA Ch. 17.2.1
April 4 Deadline Assignment 3 due (Friday Apr. 4, 11:59PM)

Select from the following:
April 7 Info. Assignment 4 released

Select from the following:
April 8 Lecture 22 Markov Decision Process - III: Policy Iteration

AIMA Ch. 17.2.2
April 10 Lecture 23 Reinforcement Learning - I: Problem Formulation

AIMA Ch. 22.1-22.2
April 15 Lecture 24 Reinforcement Learning - II: Q-Learning

AIMA Ch. 22.3
April 17 Lecture 25 Supervised Learning - I: Overview

AIMA Ch. 19.1-19.2
April 22 Lecture 26 Supervised Learning - II: Model Search and Evaluation

AIMA Ch. 19.4
April 24 Lecture 27 Supervised Learning - III: Deep Learning

AIMA Ch. 21.1
April 25 Deadline Assignment 4 due (Friday April 25, 11:59PM)

Select from the following:
April 29 Lecture 28 Extra Topic: Computer Vision

AIMA Ch. 25
May 1 Lecture 29 Final Review

May 5-10 Exam Final Exam

Select from the following:


Regrade Requests

After an assignment is graded, students have three days to request a regrade. After this period, the grade is finalized.

Late & Absence Policy

A 10% penalty will be applied (per day) to late assignments. Assignments that are more than two days late will not be accepted. For the consistency and fairness to all students, we follow the policy and absence request through the Office of the Dean of Students.

Academic Honesty

Please refer to Purdue's Student Guide for Academic Integrity. Academic dishonesty will result in an automatic zero on an assignment and your course grade will be reduced by one full letter grade. A second attempt will result in a failing grade for the course. It is one's responsibility to prevent others from copying your work.


Purdue University strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center at: drc@purdue.edu or by phone at 765-494-1247 and the course instructor to arrange for accommodations.

Classroom Guidance Regarding Protect Purdue

Any student who has substantial reason to believe that another person is threatening the safety of others by not complying with Protect Purdue protocols is encouraged to report the behavior to and discuss the next steps with their instructor. Students also have the option of reporting the behavior to the Office of the Student Rights and Responsibilities. See also Purdue University Bill of Student Rights and the Violent Behavior Policy under University Resources in Brightspace.

University Policies

Please refer to additional university policies in BrightSpace.