Seminar overview

In this seminar we will be discussing the state-of-the-art of systems research. This is a great way to learn technical matters but also how to do systems research!

This semester we are going to mostly focus on papers from OSDI'22, EuroSys'22, Usenix Security'22, and ASPLOS'22 where some of the best systems, systems security, and architecture work is published, so there is always a lot to learn from these papers.

We meet once a week for one hour and have an informal discussion about the papers – this is not a course, and you will not get credits for it, but you will probably learn a lot.

Make sure you subscribe to the seminar mailing list to ensure that you get notifications about paper discussions.

Guidelines for everyone

To participate in the seminar there are a couple of expectations for every participant that help ensure we have lively and informative discussions:

Please send me an email if you are interested in participating or have questions about the seminar.

Guidelines for discussion leads

As a discussion lead your primary goal is to foster and manage the paper discussion. This requires understanding well the material, preparing some slides, managing time, and managing the discussion during the seminar. Please try to follow the following guidelines when leading the discussion:

Tentative Schedule

Date Paper Lead
1/22 One Simple API Can Cause Hundreds of Bugs An Analysis of Refcounting Bugs in All Modern Linux Kernels. SOSP'23. [LWSN 2161B] Dinglan
1/29 SyzDirect: Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Linux Kernel [LWSN 2161B] Rui
2/5 Hyrax: Fail-in-Place Server Operation in Cloud Platforms. OSDI'23. Silver
2/12 vTMM: Tiered Memory Management for Virtual Machines. EuroSys '23. Chih-En
2/19 ORC: Increasing Cloud Memory Density via Object Reuse with Capabilities. OSDI’23. Ajay
2/26 Carbink: Fault-Tolerant Far Memory. OSDI'22. Rishav
3/4 HEALER: Relation Learning Guided Kernel Fuzzing. SOSP'21. Sishuai
3/11 Spring break NA
3/18 Orion and the Three Rights: Sizing, Bundling, and Prewarming for Serverless DAGs. OSDI'22. Xiao
3/25 Groundhog: Efficient Request Isolation in FaaS. EuroSys'23. Paul
4/1 Userspace Bypass: Accelerating Syscall-intensive Applications. OSDI'23. Tapti
4/8 No seminar
4/15 HFL: Hybrid Fuzzing on the Linux Kernel. NDSS'20. Rui
4/22 FaaSnap: FaaS made fast using snapshot-based VMs Ajay
4/29 ReUSB: Replay-Guided USB Driver Fuzzing. Usenix Security'23. Xiao