About ICPC
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve algorithmic programming challenges.
A standard ICPC contest lasts 5 hours and has anywhere between 8 and 13 problems. Each team has one computer, and solve problems by submitting programs that must pass all test cases under time and memory limit.
Purdue ICPC Team
Coach: Ninghui Li
Coach: Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera
News: On October 26, 2019, 4 purdue teams participated in ECNA 2019.
News: On February 23, 2020, Purdue RE Team (Riley Borgard, Trung Dang, and Yi Xu) won 4th place in 2020 NAC, and advance to 2020 ICPC World Final, which has been rescheduled to June 19-24, 2021.
Club: Consider joining The CPU Club
Participation in 2021 Season
If you are interested in participating, do one of the following two so that we can stay in touch.
This year the regional competition is online, and we were told that the traditional 4-team limit for each university may be removed.
To be part of Purdue team this year, students are expected to participate in at least two practice contests from Jan 16, 2021 to Feb 7, 2021, and participate in the North America Qualifier (Feb 11, 2021). These are all online.
A Purdue undergraduate student is generally eligible to represent Purdue in ICPC.
A graduate student enrolled in Purdue is eligible if either s/he started college in 2016 or later, or born in 1997 or later. See the eligibility flowchart.
Write to ninghui@purdue.edu if you have question.
Updates from ICPC for the 2021 Season
January 12, 2020
December 2020
Timeline (Subject to Change)
Jan 16, 2021 to Feb 7, 2021 (online): Four
North American Practice Contests
- Students who want to represent Purdue in ICPC are required to attend at least two of the practice contests on Saturdays and after-contest discussions on the following Sunday.
Feb 11, 2021 (online): North America Qualifier (NAQ)
Date not yet decided (likely in Mar 2021, online): East Central North America (ECNA) Regional
- In past years, Purdue sends 4 teams of 3 students each to ECNA. This year, since the competition is online, we may be able to send more teams.
April 22, 2021 (tentative, online): North America Division Championship (NADC)
August, 2021 (tentative, in person): North America Championship (NAC)
- Top 30-40 teams from NADC advance to NAC. Each university can advance at most one team.