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      modified on Fri Jul  9 16:47:34 PDT 1993 by mhb        
      modified on Wed May  5 08:57:07 PDT 1993 by mcjones    
      modified on Thu Apr 29 16:10:55 PDT 1993 by muller     
      modified on Fri Feb 28 20:50:12 PST 1992 by stolfi     
      modified on Wed Sep 25 00:02:34 1991 by kalsow         

Properties of REAL (for ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985).

This package defines some basic properties of the built-in float type REAL.

Index: REAL; floating-point; generics


  Base: INTEGER = 2;
  (* The radix of the floating-point representation for T *)

  Precision: INTEGER = 24;
  (* The number of digits of precision in the given Base for T. *)

  MaxFinite: T = 3.40282347E+38;
  (* The maximum finite value in T.  For non-IEEE implementations,
     this is the same as LAST(T). *)

  MinPos: T = 1.40239846E-45;
  (* The minimum positive value in T. *)

  MinPosNormal: T = 1.17549435E-38;
  (* The minimum positive "normal" value in T; differs from MinPos
     only for implementations with denormalized numbers. *)

  MaxExpDigits = 2;
  MaxSignifDigits = 9;
MaxExpDigits is the smallest integer with the property that every finite number of type T can be written in base-10 scientific notation using an exponent with at most MaxExpDigits. MaxSignifDigits is the smallest integer with the property that floating-decimal numbers with MaxSignifDigits are more closely spaced, all along the number line, than are numbers of type T. Typically,

      MaxExpDigits    = ceiling(log_10(log_10(MaxFinite)))
      MaxSignifDigits = ceiling(log_10(Base^Precision)) + 1.

END Real.