
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Wed Dec 15 15:10:34 PST 1993 by mcjones 

A process is the execution of a program by one or more threads within an address space. A process may hold a variety of resources such as file handles.


IMPORT File, OSError, Pathname;

A Process.T, or process handle, provides access to a child process.

    cmd: Pathname.T;
    env: REF ARRAY OF TEXT := NIL;
    wd: Pathname.T := NIL;
    stdin, stdout, stderr: File.T := NIL): T
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Create a new process and cause it to execute the program with pathname cmd, parameters params, environment variables env, working directory wd, and standard file handles stdin, stdout, and stderr. Return the handle of the new process.
 If cmd consists of a single (relative) arc name, then it is
   looked up in an operating-system dependent way (see below).
   Otherwise, cmd is looked up in the normal fashion as an absolute
   pathname or as a pathname relative to the current working directory
   (not wd).

A process can examine its own parameters via the interface Params. The parameter params[i] passed to Create will correspond to the value of Params.Get(i+1) in the newly created process (because Params.Get(0) returns the command name). (See the Params interface for the way SRC Modula-3 treats parameters beginning with the characters @M3.) \index{parameters of a process} \index{process!parameters}

If env is not NIL, it consists of a reference to an array of texts that must have the form name=value. If env is NIL, it defaults to the environment variables of the caller's process. A process can examine its own environment variables via the interface Env. \index{environment variables} \index{process!environment variables}

If wd is NIL, it defaults to the working directory of the caller's process. \index{working directory} \index{process!working directory}

If any of stdin, stdout, or stderr are NIL, the corresponding file handle of the new process is NIL. A process can obtain its own standard file handles by calling the procedure GetStandardFileHandles defined later in this interface. \index{standard I/O!file handles} \index{process!standard I/O handles} \index{I/O!standard handles}

The sharing established by passing a File.T to a new process requires care. For example, seeks done by either process affect both, and passing a Pipe.T increments a reference count of the underlying channel. See the end of this interface for an example of using Create with pipes.

\paragraph*{POSIX.} Create forks a child process, which executes the specified command. If cmd consists of a single (relative) arc name, Create searches each of the directories specified by the PATH environment variable for a file named cmd that is executable by the current (effective) user. If the attempt to execute the command returns the Unix error ENOEXEC, then the child process executes /bin/sh with the original arguments prefixed by the pathname determined earlier.

\paragraph*{Win32.} Create calls Win32.CreateProcess. If cmd consists of a single (relative) arc name, Win32.CreateProcess first appends .EXE if cmd includes neither an extension nor a final period, and then searches for this name in the following sequence of directories: the working directory; the Windows system directory; the Windows directory; the directories listed in the PATH environment variable.

TYPE ExitCode = [0 .. 16_7FFFFFFF];
An exit code (or status) of zero normally means successful termination, and a non-zero value normally indicates an error, but the exact conventions vary between systems and programs.

PROCEDURE Wait(p: T): ExitCode;
Wait until the process with handle p terminates, then free the operating system resources associated with the process and return an exit code indicating the reason for its termination. It is a checked runtime error to call Wait twice on the same process handle.
 \paragraph*{POSIX.} The value returned by Wait is equal to the
   status result of the wait system call.

\paragraph*{Win32.} The value returned by Wait is c MOD (LAST(ExitCode) + 1) where c is the value returned by Win32.GetExitCodeProcess.

PROCEDURE Exit(n: ExitCode := 0);
Call the registered exitors and terminate the program with exit code n. Terminating a Modula-3 program by ``falling off the end'' is equivalent to calling Exit(0).
 \index{terminating execution} 

Call the registered exitors and terminate the program with the error message msg. If possible, invoke a debugger or generate a core dump.
 Modula-3 implementations that don't convert checked runtime errors
   into exceptions should call Crash to abort the program.

Some Modula-3 implementations catch external events (e.g. Unix signals) or internal interrupts (e.g. floating-point underflow) and call Crash. Consult your local installation guide for more information.

PROCEDURE RegisterExitor(p: PROCEDURE());
Register the procedure p to be called when Exit or Crash is called.
 Each registered exitor is called at most once.  Exitors are called
   in reverse of the order they were registered.  A facility
   implementing a class of objects should register only a single
   exitor, which can consult a private data structure to determine
   which of its objects need cleanup. RegisterExitor should be
   called at module initialization time (not when the first object is
   created) to guarantee the correct registration order. 

TYPE ID = [0 .. 16_7FFFFFFF];
CONST NullID: ID = 0;
An ID or process identifier is assigned to each process when it is created. At any moment, no two processes on the same computer have the same identifier, but identifiers can be reused over time. No process is ever assigned the identifier NullID.

Return the process identifier of the process with handle p.

Return the process identifier of the caller's process.

PROCEDURE GetStandardFileHandles(
    VAR (*OUT*) stdin, stdout, stderr: File.T);
Return the standard input/output handles that were supplied when this process was created.
 \index{standard I/O!file handles}
   \index{process!standard I/O handles}
   \index{I/O!standard handles}

PROCEDURE GetWorkingDirectory(): Pathname.T
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Return an absolute pathname for the working directory of the caller's process.
 \index{working directory}
   \index{process!working directory}

PROCEDURE SetWorkingDirectory(path: Pathname.T)
  RAISES {OSError.E};
Change the working directory of this process to path.

END Process.
\paragraph*{Example.} A typical use of Create is to run a filter process that reads from standard input and writes a transformed version to standard output. The first step is to create two sets of pipes to carry the standard input and standard output of the new process. (If desired, standard error can be handled in the same way as standard output.)

      VAR hrChild, hwChild, hrSelf, hwSelf: Pipe.T;
        Pipe.Open(hr := hrChild, hw := hwSelf);
        Pipe.Open(hr := hrSelf, hw := hwChild);
The next step is to create the process, passing the appropriate pipes, and then to close the original instances of these pipes. (The pipes must be closed to maintain the correct reference counts on the underlying channels.)

        WITH p = Process.Create(..., hrChild, hwChild, NIL) DO
            TRY hrChild.close(); hwChild.close()
            EXCEPT OSError.E => (*SKIP

|       END;

   Now comes the actual writing and reading, which is conveniently
   performed using I/O streams:

|       WITH wr = NEW(FileWr.T).init(hwSelf),
|            rd = NEW(FileRd.T).init(hrSelf) DO
|         `Write "wr" (and perhaps read "rd")`

   Closing "wr" causes the filter to encounter end-of-file on its
   standard input, which should cause it to flush its standard output
   and terminate.  This in turn causes this process to read

|         TRY Wr.Close(wr)
|         EXCEPT Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted => (*SKIP*)
|         END;
|         `Read "rd" to end-of-file`;
|         TRY Rd.Close(rd)
|         EXCEPT Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => (*SKIP*)
|         END
|       END

   The last step is to clean up the process.

|     FINALLY EVAL Process.Wait(p)
|     END
|   END


Process's implementation is in: