Updates to Chapter 10, "Octagons and Octagrams",
in Ernest Irving Freese's Geometric Transformations: the Man, the Manuscript, the Magnificent Dissections!, by Greg N. Frederickson

Pie-slice-shaped pieces

On page 107, in the second paragraph for Plate 91, I meant to write "pie-slice-shaped pieces" rather than "pie-shaped pieces".

A translational dissection of three octagons to one

While the 24-piece dissection of three octagons to one in Plate 94 is translational, my 10-piece dissection in Figure I94 is not translational. Below is an 11-piece dissection that is translational.

Dissection in Figure I95c is not translational

I am sorry to report that the caption for Figure I95c is not correct. The dissection of four {7/2}s to one in Figure I95c is not translational.

Copyright 2019, Greg N. Frederickson.
Permission is granted to any purchaser of Ernest Irving Freese's Geometric Transformations: the Man, the Manuscript, the Magnificent Dissections!
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Last updated October 24, 2019.