Sensor network clustering and data aggregation (iHEED) ------------------------------------------------------ Author: Ossama M. Younis ( Affiliation: Purdue University, Department of Computer Science. First release: January 10, 2005. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The provided code extends TinyOS v.1.1 ( Below is a description of the modified files and a description of the modifications. 1) tos/interfaces/ defines new functions for declaring if the node is a cluster head or is currently in a clustering process. 2) tos/interfaces/ defines functions for for tracking energy consumption of the mote. 3) tos/lib/Route/MultiHop.h: defines CLUSTERING_ON to enable node clustering 4) tos/lib/Route/ binds the energy controller and clustering timers to their corresponding components. 5) tos/lib/Route/ energy control and packet capture if the node is a cluster head 6) tos/lib/Route/ link estimation and parent selection for tree routing. Implements the main clustering process of the HEED algorithm. 7) apps/surge.h: extends the SurgeMsg fields to include the node remaining power, overhead, and the neighboring nodes that are still alive 8) apps/ for energy control and packet interception 9) apps/ the main application that uses multi-hop routing and data aggregation. A cluster head aggregates the data it receives before forwarding it on the routing tree. The routing tree is constructed only on the cluster head overlay