The times shown are relative to the beginning of the video. Time Description ---- ----------- 0:00-0:20 Logging into DETER and our experiment topology 0:20-0:38 You can view link delays in hi-detail mode 0:38-1:22 Invoking Symantec Manhunt 1:22-2:07 The zombies and the experiment script (zebra daemon loading, instrumentation/measurement, leaf node configuration, NZIX replay, ICMP reflector and UDP flood attacks, WebStone, copying results) 2:07-2:49 Pasting the script into the master server. The cursor highlights as processes are executing. 2:49-2:53 The script 2:53-3:15 Webstone is running and the attack is scheduled to start soon. 3:15-3:54 ManHunt is detecting problems, and the attack is taking place (the Master server output is highlighted) 3:54-4:05 The experiment has ended, and data has been copied 4:05-4:32 Files get tared and copied to 4:32-4:50 Measurement files are being run through the data processing script to generate plots 4:50-5:14 Kview is used to view CPU, PPS, and BPS graphs Note that the required human intervention is minimal. The user only runs the script at the master server, and then just simply waits for the experiment completion, so that the data can be analyzed.