This page collections videos that I'm in throughout the web, and some that I've recorded myself!
My videos on Youtube
Go there! There's lots of cool stuff!
- Topological structures in data July 2024
- Higher-order graph algorithms: Hypergraphs VS tensors January 2024
- Writing a GenericArpack library in Julia July 2022
- Nonlinear Processes in Graphs June 2020
- ... where did these go ...
- Spectral graph clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
- Spacey random walks on higher order Markov chains May 2015
- Algorithmic Anti Differentiation: A Case Study with Spectral and Flow July 2014
- Localized Methods for Diffusions in Large Graphs June 2014
- Algorithmic Anti Differentiation April 2014
- On Unifying Asymptotic Complexity with Real-world Performance in Matrix-based Network Computations November 2013
- Tall-and-skinny QR Factorizations in MapReduce October 2013
- Simulation Informatics: Applying Machine Learning to Simulation Datasets April 2012
CS314 Intro to Matlab
I recorded the following videos as an introduction to Matlab for CS314 in Spring of 2014 at Purdue University. I think they are a great resource for undergraduates and even graduates that haven't seen Matlab before.
There is a small bit where we reference work done in class, I'll try and record another intro video to include even that material at some point.