In press

Just waiting for details on these ones now.

Parameterized objectives and algorithms for clustering bipartite graphs and hypergraphs. Conference proceedings. Nate Veldt, Anthony Wirth, and David F. Gleich. In Proceeding of KDD2020, 2020. Accepted. [ bib | arXiv | software ]

Yanfei Ren and David F. Gleich. A simple study of pleasing parallelism on multicore computers. In Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering. Birkhäuser, 2020. [ bib ]

Graph clustering in all parameter regimes. Conference proceedings. Junhao Gan, David F. Gleich, Nate Veldt, Anthony Wirth, and Xin Zhang. In Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, volume cs.CC, page 1910.06435, 2020. Accepted. [ bib | arXiv | http ]

Neighborhood and pagerank methods for pairwise link prediction. Journal paper. Huda Nassar, Austin Benson, and David F. Gleich. Social Network Analysis and Mining, To appear. To appear. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]