When solving Ax=b on a computer, two things can go wrong.

  • The first is that the $Ax=b$ problem we have may be ill-conditioned.
  • The second is that we may be using a bad algorithms.

Ill-conditioned problems

If Ax = b is ill-conditioned, this means that, if we make any tiny error to b, even one of order $10^{-16}$, then we'll get a totally different answer to our linear system. The only way to solve ill-conditioned linear systems accurately on a computer is to use additional precision in our arithmetic.

In [1]:
function hilb(n;T=Float64)
    A = zeros(T,n,n)
    for j=1:n
        for i=1:n
            A[i,j] = 1./(i+j)
    return A
hilb (generic function with 1 method)
In [2]:
5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.5       0.333333  0.25      0.2       0.166667
 0.333333  0.25      0.2       0.166667  0.142857
 0.25      0.2       0.166667  0.142857  0.125   
 0.2       0.166667  0.142857  0.125     0.111111
 0.166667  0.142857  0.125     0.111111  0.1     
In [13]:
## Small system
n = 5
A = hilb(n)
xtrue = ones(n)
b = A*xtrue
xcomp = A\b

@printf("\n  n = %i\n\n", n);
@printf("    [ %25s %25s ]\n", "x true", "x computed");
for i=1:n
    @printf("    [ %25.17f %25.17f ]\n", xtrue[i], xcomp[i]);
  n = 5

    [                    x true                x computed ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.99999999999925315 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.00000000000871170 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.99999999997022349 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.00000000003894085 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.99999999998275368 ]
In [7]:
## Bigger system
n = 12
A = hilb(n)
xtrue = ones(n)
b = A*xtrue
xcomp = A\b
@printf("\n  n = %i\n\n", n);
@printf("    [ %25s %25s ]\n", "x true", "x computed");
for i=1:n
    @printf("    [ %25.17f %25.17f ]\n", xtrue[i], xcomp[i]);
  n = 12

    [                    x true                x computed ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.00000034831994822 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.99997498970416920 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.00058545274899036 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.99339772886215538 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.04233097346954851 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.83186032680000732 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.43279408301936373 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.26524866529664204 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.81683666353393236 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.42798869683200724 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       1.22886800007404573 ]
    [       1.00000000000000000       0.96011404213052920 ]

The hilbert matrix is very badly conditioned. There is no way to accurately solve a 12-by-12 system in double precision floating point. The solution does not look wrong in floating point.

In [4]:
In [8]:
hilb(12)*xcomp - b
12-element Array{Float64,1}:

A bad algorithm.

In [9]:
# define a matrix with a bad growth factor
function bad_growth(n)
    A = eye(n)
    A = A - tril(ones(n,n),-1)
    A[:,end] = 1
    return A
bad_growth (generic function with 1 method)
In [10]:
5x5 Array{Float64,2}:
  1.0   0.0   0.0   0.0  1.0
 -1.0   1.0   0.0   0.0  1.0
 -1.0  -1.0   1.0   0.0  1.0
 -1.0  -1.0  -1.0   1.0  1.0
 -1.0  -1.0  -1.0  -1.0  1.0
In [11]:
n = 60
A = bad_growth(n)
xtrue = (2*(rand(n,1) .< 0.5)-1)/10
b = A*xtrue
xcomp = A\b

@printf("\n  n = %i\n\n", n);
@printf("    [ %25s %25s ]\n", "x true", "x computed");
for i=1:n
    @printf("    [ %25.17f %25.17f ]\n", xtrue[i], xcomp[i]);
  n = 60

    [                    x true                x computed ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000001 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000003 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999998 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999987 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999964 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999964 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999787 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999787 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999432 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000853 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999996589 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999996589 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999990905 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000013642 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999945430 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000036380 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999854481 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000218279 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000582077 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000582077 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999997671694 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999997671694 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000009313226 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000009313226 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999962747097 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000055879354 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000149011612 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999776482582 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000894069672 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999403953552 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000002384185791 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999996423721313 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000014305114746 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000014305114746 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999942779541016 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999942779541016 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000228881835938 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000228881835938 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000610351562500 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999084472656250 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10003662109375000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10003662109375000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09985351562500000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10009765625000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09960937500000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10058593750000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10156250000000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10156250000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09375000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09375000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.06250000000000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.12500000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.00000000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.00000000000000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.50000000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.00000000000000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001       0.00000000000000000 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001       0.00000000000000000 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000001 ]
In [33]:
## Using a different algorithms helps
Q,R = qr(A)
xcomp = R\(Q'*b)

@printf("\n  n = %i\n\n", n);
@printf("    [ %25s %25s ]\n", "x true", "x computed");
for i=1:n
    @printf("    [ %25.17f %25.17f ]\n", xtrue[i], xcomp[i]);
  n = 60

    [                    x true                x computed ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999772 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999952 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000062 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000013 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999995 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000032 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999977 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999984 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000006 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999973 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999983 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000005 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999987 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999973 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999974 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000028 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000034 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000010 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999966 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999963 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000006 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999999 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000013 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999955 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000017 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999984 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000009 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999991 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999974 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999989 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999996 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999988 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000005 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000005 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000006 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000041 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000027 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000007 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999994 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999999 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000002 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000012 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000021 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000005 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999999 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000006 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000005 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000005 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000001 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000006 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999989 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000084 ]

Why does Matlab & Julia use Gaussian Elimination then?

These problems never occur!

In [30]:
n = 60;
A = bad_growth(n) + randn(n,n)*1e-15;
xtrue = (2*(rand(n,1) .< 0.5)-1)/10;
b = A*xtrue;
xcomp = A\b;

@printf("\n  n = %i\n\n", n);
@printf("    [ %25s %25s ]\n", "x true", "x computed");
for i=1:n
    @printf("    [ %25.17f %25.17f ]\n", xtrue[i], xcomp[i]);
  n = 60

    [                    x true                x computed ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999978 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999985 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000003 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999999 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000010 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999984 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000001 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000006 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000021 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999995 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000009 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000007 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000007 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000001 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000001 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000001 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000001 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999998 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000003 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000019 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999991 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999992 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000003 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000003 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000003 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999995 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000002 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000005 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999994 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999987 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999999 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000010 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999985 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000009 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999989 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999998 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000016 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000010 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000007 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999985 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999977 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000014 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999995 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999995 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999992 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.10000000000000009 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999977 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.10000000000000003 ]
    [      -0.10000000000000001      -0.09999999999999978 ]
    [       0.10000000000000001       0.09999999999999996 ]