Welcome to CS180: Problem Solving and Programming.

CS180 offers an introduction to Computer Science, using the Java programming language and emphasizing the following topics :

Course Personnel

Instructor Instructional Coordinator Lab Administrator
Name Dr. Chris Clifton
Phone: 49-46005
Office: LWSN 2142F
Dr. Lorenzo Martino
Phone: 49-67345
Office: HAAS 144
Dr. Lorenzo Martino
Phone: 49-67345
Office: HAAS 144
E-Mail Address clifton@cs.purdue.edu lmartino@purdue.edu lmartino@purdue.edu


Time: MW 4:30-5:20pm.
Location: Smith Hall 108.


Title A Gentle Introduction to Concurent Programming.
Authors Barry Wittman, Aditya Mathur, and Tim Korb
Edition Draft 3.0, 2010
Avaialble at Boiler CopyMaker, Room 157, Purdue Memorial Union.
Additional resource Java Tutorial
Textbook Purchase Requirement You are not required to buy the textbook. However, it is useful to have a textbook that introduces programming using Java. This is probably the only book you will find that introduces concurrency in a simple manner.
iClickers Please buy iClickers from the book store. These cute devices will be used during the lectures to get your input on a variety of issues. Bring your iClicker with you to the class. You may buy an iClicker from one of several local bookstores.