As you have learned in class, a typical optimizer breaks down queries into trees of relational operators, implemented as iterators. The iterators (i.e. HeapScan and HashScan) deal with file access directly, and return records or their ids. In this project, you will build and use a higher-level view of these records with the provided classes Schema and Tuple.
Each high level relational operator you will implement inherits the abstract class Iterator, which contains a schema and requires the following methods:
protected Schema schema
public void restart()
public boolean isOpen()
public void close()
public boolean hasNext()
public Tuple getNext()
Your task is to implement the following wrappers for the heap and index scans:
Your next task is to implement one final iterator, namely HashJoin. The algorithm is described in section 14.4.3 in the textbook.
For efficiency in hash joins, you should use the as many pages of the buffer pool as possible.
Skeleton code is available here, and the documentation is available here.
Note that this code is a complete starting point for the project, i.e. the bufmgr, heap, and index packages are provided for you (in jar files). Note that the minibase code used in this project is slightly different than the one used in the previous project, e.g., more access to HFPage.
To test your code, simply run the provided RelOperatorTest test driver. You should try to minimize the number of reads, writes, and allocations needed by the test cases.
May be the most challenging part is HashJoin. It will account for 20% of the project's grade.
You should turn in your code with the Makefile and a readme file. All files need to be zipped in a file named:
In the readme file, put the feature you would like us to know. I should be able to compile/run your program using make on a CS department Unix machine. You don't need to include the library file and other files provided.
Do not change the directory structure of the code. The directory structure of your zip file should be identical to the directory structure of the provided zip file (i.e., having the directory src, the Makefile, ...), except the top-level name (should be your career login above). Your grade may be deduced 5% off if you don't follow this.