CS 54100: Database Systems

Midterm Preparation Assignment:
Storage, Indexing, Hashing

Not due, but recommended before the 7 March 2012 midterm.

Textbook exercises

While you will not be turning this in, you can check your answers.

  1. Exercise 8.3 (8.7 is good also, but probably not the sort of thing you would see on an exam.)
  2. Exercise 9.11 (9.19 is also interesting.)
  3. Exercise 10.1 (2,3,5,7)
  4. Exercise 10.5 (1)
  5. Exercise 11.1 (4,5,7)
  6. Excerise 11.3 (1,2,3)
  7. Exercise 11.7
  8. Linear hashing: Given Figure 11.16, and the following hash function:
    3 1011
    5 0101
    7 0111
    9 1001
    10 1110
    13 1111
    15 0011
    25 1101
    31 1011
    44 0000
    64 1100
    1. Show insert(13).
    2. Show the outcome after a split.
    3. What fraction of the pages slots would be full after enough splits to get rid of the overflow page?
    (We'll go over the answers to this one Monday in class.)

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