Hail Purdue

This page has the following JavaScript commands in it right after the BODY tag and the H1 tag....

<SCRIPT SRC="backsound00.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

...and in the same directory (folder) as this file is one whose name is backsound00.js which looks like this....

function InsertBackSound()
 document.write('<EMBED SRC="http://www.purdue.edu/BANDS/news/scrapbook/aamb/HailPurdue.mp3"');
 document.write(' WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=75 AUTOSTART=FALSE>');

If you know how to use JavaScript, this will seem pretty simple. If you do not know how to use JavaScript, just do this exactly as I have done it here -- replacing the file name by the one you want to play.

EMBED tag is used to embed sound or video on page -- like inline image

Use WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes to leave space for audio controls

Use ALIGN attribute same way as for images

AUTOSTART=FALSE keeps the sound from starting automatically on Internet Explorer (would not anyway on Netscape)