Module 9. I/O Stream Libraries Exercises

1.  The cout statement below outputs a spectrum value and a team
character string.  Modify this line using the setw function so that
each spectrum value is output in a field 10 characters wide and each
team string is output in a field 8 characters wide.

   #include <iostream.h>

   void main()
    float spectrum[] = { 6.24, 3.87, 5.06, 2.19, 4.38 };
    char *team[] = {"Bozo", "Gonzo", "Rollo", "Marco"};
    for (int level = 0; level < 4; level++)	
       cout << spectrum[level] << team[level] << endl;

2.  Modify the cout statement below to specify that 2 digits of
precision are to be used when printing spectrum's floating point

   #include <iostream.h>

   void main()
    float spectrum[] = { 6.24, 3.87, 5.06, 2.19, 4.38 };
    for (int level = 0; level < 5; level++)	
       cout << spectrum[level] << endl;

3.  Write the function that defines the overloaded >> operator for
ZooAnimal objects to input values for the name, cage number, weight
date, and weight (respectively) of the ZooAnimal object parameter.

   class ZooAnimal  
      char *name;
      int cageNumber;
      int weightDate;
      int weight;
      ZooAnimal (char*, int, int, int); // constructor function
      inline ~ZooAnimal () { delete [] name; }; // destructor function
      void changeWeight (int pounds);
      char* reptName ();
      int reptWeight ();
      int daysSinceLastWeighed (int today);
      friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& stream, ZooAnimal& Z);
      friend istream& operator>> (istream& stream, ZooAnimal& Z);