Module 10. Exception Handling Exercises

1.  On the blank line below write a statement that throws an
InvalidInput object (with an empty parameter list) if the variable
number is greater than 99.

   class InvalidInput {...};

   void factorial (int& facto, int number)
   if (number > 99)
     facto = 1;
     int n = 1;
     while (++n <= number)
       facto *= n;

2.  Modify the last line below so that the block of code represented
by { /*...*/ } is a Catch Handler for exceptions of type InvalidInput.

   class InvalidInput {...};

   void factorial (int& facto, int number)
   if (number > 99)
     throw InvalidInput ();
     facto = 1;
     int n = 1;
     while (++n <= number)
       facto *= n;
   void main()
    int east, eastfact;
    int west, westfact;
    cin >> east;
    cin >> west;
    try {
    factorial (eastfact, east);
    factorial (westfact, west);
    } // end of try block
    { /*...*/ }

3.  Modify the changeWeight prototype so that it specifies that
function changeWeight may only throw an exception of type UnderWeight.

   class UnderWeight {...}; //exception class

   class ZooAnimal
      static int minWeight;
      int weight;
      void changeMinWeight (int);
      void changeWeight (int);