Module 8. Function Templates Exercises

1.  Create the C++ Function Template named swap so that it has two
parameters of the same type.  A Template Function created from swap
will exchange the values of these two parameters.

2.  Create the C++ Function Template named multiples so that it has
three parameters sum, x, and n.  The first two parameters will have
the type represented by the function template type parameter WhatKind.
n will always be int.  The return type is void.  All parameters are
passed by value except for sum which is passed by reference.  A
Template Function created from multiples will compute...

        sum = 1 + x + 2x + 3x + ... + nx

3.  Create the C++ Function Template named init so that it has three
parameters whose types are determined by the function template type
parameters T1 and T2.  The function header is shown below.  init sets
the value of the parameter start to a T2-type value of 1.  init
returns a T1-type value which is the sum of num1 and num2.

    T1 init (T1 num1, T1 num2, T2& start)