Module 10. Structures and Memory Management Exercises

1. In the main function below the local variable host is the one that
receives an integer value as a result of the cin statement.  Modify
the cin statement to allow the global variable host to receive a float
value as a result of the cin statement.

   #include <iostream.h>
   float host;

   void main ()
    int host;
    cin >> host;

2.  Write 3 statements in the main function below: (1) Initialize the
pointer tag to point to a bookstore structure memory location.  (2)
Set the cost field of that bookstore to 49.95.  (3) Delete the memory
location to which tag points.

   struct bookstore 
    int LibraryofCongressNumber;
    char* title;
    float cost;

   void main ()

3.  In the appropriate location below, create an array with
numVideotapes integer memory locations.  The pointer (array name)
videotape will be initialized to point to the first element of the

   #include <iostream.h>

   void main ()
    cout << "How many videotapes are there?" << endl;
    int numVideotapes;
    cin >> numVideotapes;
    for (int i = 0; i < numVideotapes; i++)
       cin >> videotape[i];
    delete[] videotape;