CS 40800 Quiz 6 (Sep 8)

Give one test case that you know your CS 40800 project will need:
A. Identification and Classification
B. Instructions
C. Expected Result

In A, include a Severity number. Below the test case explain why the Severity number is what it is. (Some of you failed to do this and lost 2 points.)

Submit this quiz on paper or via email to dunsmore@purdue.edu (Subject: Quiz 6) by 4:20 pm today.

A. Camera 003, Bad Camera Number 0, Severity 2
B. Enter number 0 in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field.
C. Popup box appears saying "Camera number must be 1-4."

Severity 2, because we want to fix this if it does not work. But, we could still release the product even if it does something strange when the user enters 0 in "Turn on Camera" popup box text field.

(I did not deduct points, but if I were on your team, I would argue that some of your Severity 1 errors really should be Severity 2 or even Severity 3.)