CS 40800 Quiz 1 (Aug 25)

What are the two parts of your CS 40800 Software Testing project?

Submit this quiz on paper or via email to dunsmore@purdue.edu (Subject: Quiz 1) by 4:20 pm today.

(4 points)
Each team (1) develops a software product doing inspections and testing during the software development process and (2) does Black Box Testing and White Box Testing on another team's software product.

(3 points)
Each team (1) develops a software product doing testing and (2) does testing on another team's software product.

(2 points)
Each team (1) develops some software and (2) does some testing on some other software.

(1 point)
Each team writes some software and does some testing.

(0 points)
Each team tests some software supplied to us by Prof. Dunsmore.

(0 points)
War of 1812.