I suggest that you read the books and some of the papers in some details. - Read chapter 1 in book 9 pages 1-24 - chapter 4 form page 75-100 ---I do not expect you to know many details but concepts on the following two items: - Briefly read chapter 5 from page 102-112 and some information about horizontal and vertical fragmentation which leads us to various types of replication issues. - Very briefly some ideas on optimization of query processing and affects of communication delays and latencies in chapter 8/9. ------------------ - Chapter 11 on CC in detail: pages 299-348. Also read the papers and slides on optimistic CC and TKDE paper ( Bhargava) Building Distributed Database Systems, Bharat Bhargava. - The Raid Distributed Database System, Bharat Bhargava and John Riedl, IEEE Trans on Software Engineering, 15(6), June 1989. - Concurrency Control in Database Systems Bharat Bhargava, IEEE Trans on Knowledge and Data Engineering,11(1), Jan.-Feb. 1999 - A Model for Adaptable Systems for Transaction Processing, Bharat Bhargava and John Riedl, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1(4), Dec 1989. ( very briefly) A Causal Model for Analyzing Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithms, B. Bhargava and C. Hua, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, SE-9, 470-486, 1983. ( very briefly) - Global scheduling for flexible transactions in heterogeneous distributed database systems, A. Zhang, M. Nodine, and B. Bhargava. IEEE TKDE, 13(3), 2001. ( Very briefly) - Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems , P. Bernstein, N. Goodman, ACM Computer Survey, 13(2), 1981. - Concurrency control in a system for distributed databases (SDD-1), P. Bernstein, D. Shipman, J. Rothnie, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 5(1), 1980. - The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations , Jim Gray, VLDB, 1981. - On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control , H.T. Kung and John T. Robinson, ACM Trans. Database Systems, 6(2), 1981. - The serializability of concurrent database updates, C. Papadimitriou, Journal of the ACM (JACM), 26(4), 1979. ( No theory and but knowledge of ideas) - Chapter 12 on failures, commit/termination/recovery protocols. Also read the papers by Skeen on nonblocking commit protocols and paper in IEEE Tran on Soft Engg ( I have yet to cover this topic in detail. I expect you know some introductory information on commit protocols and even less on termination and recovery protocols ) - Nonblocking commit protocols, D. Skeen, ACM SIGMOD, 1981. - A Decentralized Termination Protocol, D. Skeen, IEEE Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, July, 1981. - A Formal Model of Crash Recovery in a Distributed System, D. Skeen and M. Stonebraker, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 9(3): 219-228, 1983.