CS348: Information Systems

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Project 4 deadline is extended to Apr 18 11:59pm


3/18 Evening Exam for C S 348

       Current reservation:

      8:30-10:00pm Tue. Mar 18, 2008  BRNG 2290 



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This is a partial list but will be updated.

It should help you focus on reading for the final exam.

Please come to class for more information.

I will be happy to explain or answer any questions in class or any time in the

next few days. (call me any time including weekends/eve if needed 463-3522 hm)


Exam is comprehensive but more questions will come from later parts. Questions

will also be more involved than just definitions.


Chapt 1:


Read about various applications/information systems


Disadvantage of file processing systems


Logical and Physical data independence


Different data models and appropriate applications that can use them


Referential integrity


Domain constraints


What is the purpose of normalization in relational databases


Features of OO-model and XML model and need for them


Components of storage systems

Data structures used in storage management


Components of query processor


Transaction Management and ACID properties (will be discussed in class today)


Functions of a DBA


Read the history of database systems


Questions such as 1.3/31, 1.5/32, 1.6/32, 1.11/32




Chapt 2


What is superkey, candidate key, primary key, foreign key


What is inefficient about join operation and how one can optimize joins in

terms of I/O, cpu, and stoarge


Aggregate/Statistical functions,


Difference between out-join and natural join


Questions such as 2.1/71, 2.4/72, 2.10/73





Chapt 3


What does DDL specify


Difference between drop an delete of tables


Duplicates issues


What are english quivalent of queries such as on page 93


Purpose of a view


What is a transaction (see page 110


Questions such as 3.1/116, 3.2/116, 3.11/118, 3.12/118




Chapt 4


Read about integrity constraints on page 126, referentail integrity page 129


What do we mean by embedded SQL (question such as 4.6 on page 160


What is OBDC and JBDC (pages 138-140 ) Briefly




Chapter 5


Some knowledge of tuple and domain calculus


Safety, experessive power


translate queries from english to tuple calculus or relational algebra and vice

versa (see question 5.1 on page 195 or bottom of page 169 or question 5.7 (a)

on page 196




Chapter 6


Overview of Design phase and what is involved,

What is good or bad about E-R model


What are mapping cardinalities and how they can be expressed in E-R, relational

model, hierarchical model and network model and OO model


Converting and expressing an E-R diagram data to relational or hierarchical



Specialization, generalization, inheritance, aggregation concepts





Chapter 7


Normal forms, (1, 2, 3, BCNF)

and Problems in each of them




Lossless decomposition and Dependency presevation


example of MVD


question 7.1 on page 306, 7.6/307, 7.17/309, 7.24/309




Chapter 9 (Briefly)


Ideas in Object-relation data model, comparison with OO programming, complex

data types,  persistence issues, nested relations,


O-O versus O-R (see page 387)




Chapter 10 (Briefly)


Advantages and disadvantges of XML data representation ,(read 395-402)


Xpath (see example queries on page 410






Chapter 11


Briefly overview of physical storage media, performance measures of disks, disk

block access issues




Chapter 14


Ideas on query optimization briefly




Chapter 15


Transaction concept and ACID properties and Concurrency, privacy, recovery,

atomicity briefly. Serializability briefly






Appendices (not in book but on web site of book and also cs348 and handouts


Ideas on hierarachical model GU, GN, GNP etc in queries, currecncy pointer


Network model briefly




---Good Luck and Best Wishes for the preparation for exam---


Path Variables for ant(Thanks Matt)

