2-4 Tree / 2-3-4 Tree

Size Property: Every node has at most four children

Depth Property: All the external nodes have the same depth



Let’s insert (k,e)

Search for k in the 2-4 tree T.  The search will end up at an external node z if no element with key k.

Let v be the parent of z.  Insert (k,e) in node v and add a new external child w to v.

Overflow – Node v becomes a 5-node

A split has to be done on node v



1. Replace v with two nodes v’ and v’’

v’ is a 3-node storing keys k1 and k2

v’’ is a 2-node storing key k4

2. If v was the root of T, we create a new root u.  Else, let u be the parent of v

3.Put k3 into u and make v’ and v’’ children of u.  If v was i-th child of u, v’ is i-th child of u and v’’ is (i+1)st child of u



Let’s delete (k,e)

Search for key k in T.

Suppose node z has (k,e), key k is the ith key in z and it has only internal-node children.  Then we need to find a node v

1.                We find the right-most internal node v in the subtree rooted at the ith child of z.

2.                 We swap the item (k, x) at z with the last item of v.

Underflow - If v was previously a 2-node, then it becomes a 1-node with no item after the deletion.


1. We find a sibling node w of v that is 3-node or 4-node.

2. Move a child of w to v, move a key of w to the parent u of v, and move a key of u to v.


If v has only one sibling, or if both siblings of v are 2-nodes, then fusion is needed.

Merge v with a sibling and move a key from the parent u of v to the merged node.

Parent u may suffer underflow after a fusion operation.  Then transfer/fusion at u may be needed. 




Red-Black Tree

1. Root Property: The root is black

2. External Property: Every external node is black

3. Internal Property: The children of a red node are black (A red node must have two black children)

4. Depth Property: All the external nodes have the same black depth.


Let’s insert (k,e) in the Red-Black tree T

We search for an external node z in T so that we can make z as internal node and store (k,e) in it (expandExternal(z)).

Color z with red and its children with black

Double red

If parent v of z is red, then the parent u of v must be black (rule 3).

Node v cannot be the root (rule 1) if v is red.

Since the parent v and z are red, there is a double red at node z.


Case 1. The sibling w of v is black

Rotate(z)  (just like section 7.4 in AVL p.270)

Recall:  After rotation, node b is the root of the subtree and nodes a and c are the children of b.  Color b black and color a and c red.



Case 2. The Sibling w of v is red

Color v and w black and their parent u red (Exception: if u is the root, it is colored black)

If u is not the root, the double red problem may occur on both node u and its parent.  So, recoloring/rotation may be needed.  We need to propagate up until double red problem is resolved.




Let’s delete (k,e) from T

Search key k in tree T.

Suppose node u store k, and node u does not have an external child.  Then we find the internal node v so that we can move the item at v to u and delete v from the tree T.

To delete node v, which has an external node w, from the tree T, we do the following.

Suppose r is the sibling of w and x be the parent of v. 

1.    We remove nodes v and w and make r a child of x. 

2.    If node v is red, we are done. 

3.    If r is red, we color it black and we are done with the deletion process.  Otherwise, we need to do more.  Node r is colored with double black.


Case 1: The sibling y of r is black and has a red child z.


Color a and c black, color b with the former color of x, and color r black.


Case 2: The sibling y of r is black and both children of y are black.

Recoloring: we color r black, color y red.  If x is red, we color it black else we color it double black.

Since x can be double black, we need to propagate up; we consider three cases for x again.


Case 3: The sibling y of r is red.

We perform an adjustment.

If y is the right child of x, let z be the right child of y.  Otherwise, let z be the left child of y.

Rotate(z) – After the rotation, y becomes the parent of x.

Color y black and x red.  The sibling of r is black.

We apply either case 1 or case 2 to node r to complete the deletion operation.