Additional note for Assignment 5 Homework 5 (Due date: Oct 29, noon Friday)

Classes that you need to write are ...

AVLItem - extends the Item class
You need to have a variable to keep track of the height of the item.

AVLDictionary - implements LocatorDictionary
Implements all methods that are stated in the LocatorDictionary interface.
Although you will not call remove method in AVLDictionary, you still need to implement this method.
You need to have an object of LinkedBinaryTree, and an object of Comparator.
If you are reusing the Node and Position classes, you need to modify the LocatorDictionary. You need to change Locator to Position.

CheckedList - rewrite it so that it uses a AVL tree instead of vector.
IMPORTANT: Name the object of AVLDictionary as Checked_list
You should implements all methods that indicated in the

You need to create a key for a board based on the pattern of the board. You need to convert the 16 integers to 16 hex values and form them as a String, which will be the key for the board.

For example,

0 3 4 5
10 11 14 15
2 1 6 7
8 9 12 13

The key for the above board would be 0345ABEF216789CD