A Tutorial on Learned
Multidimensional Indexes*~
Abdullah Al Mamun
(Ph.D. Student)
Hao Wu (Undergraduate
Walid G. Aref
Department of
Computer Science
Purdue University
West Lafayette,
Indiana 47907, U.S.A.
*We acknowledge the support of the
National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers III-1815796 and IIS-1910216.
~This page is based on a tutorial
given at the 2020 ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference:
Al-Mamun, Hao Wu, Walid G. Aref: A Tutorial
on Learned Multi-dimensional Indexes. ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference, pp.
1-4, Nov. 2020. (pdf
of the tutorial proposal).
Recently, Machine Learning (ML,
for short) has been successfully applied to database indexing. Initial
experimentation on Learned Indexes has demonstrated better search performance
and lower space requirements than their traditional database counter parts.
Numerous attempts have been explored to extend learned indexes to the
multi-dimensional space. This makes learned indexes potentially suitable for
spatial databases. The goal of this tutorial is to provide up-to-date coverage
of learned indexes both in the single and multidimensional spaces. The tutorial
covers over 25 learned indexes. The tutorial navigates through the space of
learned indexes through a taxonomy that helps classify the covered learned
indexes both in the single and multi-dimensional spaces.
An updated version of the
taxonomy is given below.
In the taxonomy, we distinguish
between two main approaches:
- Indexing the
Learned Models vs.
- Learning the Index
By indexing
the learned models, we refer to the following problem. Assume that
we are given a collection of learned models, where each model represents (and helps
recognize) a certain object class, e.g., a learned model that represents the
class dog, another that represents that class cat, etc. Given a query object, one
needs to execute each of the models to identify that model that produces the
highest matching score for the given query object. The question is:
Can we index the learned models to speed up the matching
Several indexes have been
proposed that index these learned models to speed up the matching process
(e.g., see [1,46]).
In contrast, by learning the index, we refer to the problem of
substituting a traditional database index, e.g., a B+-tree, by a machine-learning
based model. Instead of searching the B+-tree to locate the leaf
page that contains an input search key, one uses an ML model that predicts the
location (or the leaf page) that contains the search key [22].
In the tutorial, we give example
indexes that follow each of the two approaches.
In the taxonomy, we further
distinguish between learned indexes along the following dimension:
- Learned indexes that support static data sets vs.
- Learned indexes that support updates
Notice that the issue of
supporting static vs. dynamic data sets is crucial due to the fact that
learning an index needs offline training that is relatively slow in nature.
Thus, learned indexes that support updates need to accommodate for this fact
and still support online response.
Next, we distinguish between learned
indexes along the dimensionality of the data.
- Learned indexes for
one-dimensional data vs.
- Learned indexes for
multi-dimensional data
Finally, we close by discussing open research
Here are the slides and video for
the SIGSPATIAL 2020 tutorial: <slides>
and <video>
Extended Version of the slides
(V2.0): <slides>
In this version, in addition to covering
more learned multi-dimensional indexes, we extend the taxonomy to cover the
following new dimension:
- Learned indexes with
fixed data layout vs.
- Learned indexes with
dynamic data layout
Abdullah Al Mamun
Abdullah is a PhD student at the
Department of Computer Science (CS), Purdue University. His research interests
are in the area of Learned Index Structures, particularly, in the area of
Learned Multidimensional and Spatial Indexes. Previously, he completed his MS
in CS from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.
Hao Wu
Hao is a senior undergraduate student
at Purdue University with majors in Data Science, Statistics-Math, Aviation
Management. He is interested in ML-oriented research as well as its application
in data-driven multi-disciplinary projects.
Walid G. Aref
Walid is a professor of computer
science at Purdue. His research interests are in extending the functionality of
database systems in support of emerging applications, e.g., spatial, spatio-temporal, graph, biological, and sensor databases.
His focus is on query processing, indexing, data streaming, and geographic
information systems (GIS). Walid’s research has been supported by the National
Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, Purdue Research
Foundation, CERIAS, Panasonic, and Microsoft Corp. In 2001, he received the
CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation and in 2004, he received a
Purdue University Faculty Scholar award. Walid is a member of Purdue’s CERIAS.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions of Spatial Algorithms and
Systems (ACM TSAS), an editorial board member of the Journal of Spatial
Information Science (JOSIS), and has served as an editor of the VLDB Journal
and the ACM Transactions of Database Systems (ACM TODS). Walid has won several
best paper awards including the 2016 VLDB ten-year best paper award. He is a
Fellow of the IEEE, and a member of the ACM. Between 2011 and 2014, Walid has
served as the chair of the ACM Special Interest Groupon Spatial Information
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