CS 49000 ACG

Advanced Computer Graphics & Applications

-general information-


Administrative affairs

ˇ                     Instructor: Voicu Popescu, popescu@purdue.edu

-          Office hour: by appointment, LWSN 3179

ˇ                     Teaching assistant: TBA

Emergency preparedness

ˇ         In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances.  All changes to this course will be posted on this website. During an emergency this website will continue to serve as a means for communication between instructors and students and for disseminating course materials and assignments.






The course will cover advanced computer graphics and application techniques:

ˇ         rendering (e.g. soft shadows, glossy reflections, ambient occlusion, relief texture mapping, multiperspective rendering, 3-D rendering, hair and fur, ray tracing)

ˇ         geometric modeling (e.g. Bézier, NURBS, and subdivision surfaces, laser rangefinding, depth from stereo, depth from structured light)

ˇ         animation (e.g. skeletal and bone model, forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, collision detection, motion capture)

ˇ         physics (e.g. fractures, explosions, cloth, fire, smoke, water)

ˇ         image and video processing, augmented reality (e.g. convolution, edge extraction, matting, camera calibration, camera tracking)

Assignments will consist of projects where students actually implement some of these techniques using graphics processing units (GPUs), smartphone platforms (e.g. iPhone, Android), animation software platforms (e.g. 3ds Max), still and video cameras, motion capture systems, trackers, and laser rangefinders.


Required (but Fun) Work

Cheating policy

Voicu Popescu, fall 2010