CS240 Spring 2011: LAB04


Implement linkedlist, a program which provides the following functionality for creating, manipulating and printing a linked list.

Do not use Arrays for implementing linked list. Linked list implementation MUST be done using structures and pointers.


Linked list is a data structure which stores data in elements called nodes. Each node consists of data field and a link (a pointer) to the next node. The last node points to NULL.

For example, suppose you want to store number 75, 53, 29 in a linked list. The linked list looks something like this:



A node in linked list can be implemented using struct. For example:

struct node {
    int data; //data contained in the node. This can be of any type – char, char*, int, or even a struct
    struct node *next; //pointer to next node

A linked list is a list of pointers to struct node. Whenever you create a pointer to a new node, you will need to dynamically allocate memory for that node. To do this, we have provided you with a function CreateNode() which will allocate memory for storing the new node and return a pointer to it.

An example of using CreateNode(). Suppose you want to create a new node and store integer 5 in it. Here is how you will do it:

struct node* newNode = CreateNode();
newNode->data = 5;
newNode->next = NULL;

Note that if you try to store data in a newNode without allocating memory, it will result in a segmentation fault.

We have also provided you with implementation for printing a linked list, inserting a node in front and creating a linked list. Use this code to understand how to operate on linked lists.


1.      Download lab04.tar from here and extract it using: tar -xpvf lab04.tar

2.      This folder contains 3 source files: node.h, node.c and main.c

3.      You have to implement the functions for linked list manipulation in node.c. The function prototypes are already present in this file. You should follow these prototypes (Do not modify the function prototype by changing the type of arguments or return type).

4.      You need to implement the following functionality:



int LinkedListLength(struct node* head)

Function: Compute the length of linked list
    head: pointer to the start of linked list Return: length of the linked list

struct node* InsertAtEnd(struct node* head, int value)

Function: Insert a new node at the end of linked list
    head: pointer to the start of linked list
    value: data field for new node
Return: new linked list after inserting the node

struct node* InsertAtN(struct node* head, int value, int N)

Function: Insert a new node with given data
    head: pointer to the start of linked list
    value: value to be stored in data field of new node
    N: position of node AFTER which new node should be inserted. If N=0, then new node should be inserted in front (Special case)
Error: If invalid N, output error:
    ERROR: Node <N> does not exist

struct node* DeleteNode(struct node* head, int pos)

Function: Deletes a node at a given position from linked list
    head: pointer to the start of linked list
    pos: position of node to delete from linked list (pos is in [1,length])
Return: new linked list after deleting the node
Error: If node to be deleted does not exist, output:
    ERROR: Node does not exist

5.      Also write a Makefile to compile your code. The main target should be named as linkedlist

6.      The main.c file has test cases to test your code. To test the code, you can run:
$ linkedlist <testcase-number>

7.      A reference implementation, linkedlist.org, is also present in the lab04.tar. Make sure your output is exactly the same as reference implementation.

8.      Make sure you check for error conditions and the boundary cases in your code.


Type cd .. in lab04 and change working directory to the parent directory of lab04.

In the parent directory of lab04, type turnin -v -c cs240=XXX -p lab04 lab04 to turnin your work. Replace XXX with your section number-- F1130, F130, F330, F730, F930, R1130, R330, R930, T1130.

Now, you may use the command, turnin -c cs240=XXX -p lab04 -v to verify your submission.

This lab is due on Wednesday 16 February 11:59PM.

9:30 am - 11:20 am F


11:30 am - 1:20 pm F


1:30 pm - 3:20 pm F


3:30 pm - 5:20 pm F


9:30 am - 11:20 am R


11:30 am - 1:20 pm R


3:30 pm - 5:20 pm R


11:30 am - 1:20 pm T
