Guidelines for Homework Preparation
Make use of these guidelines and recommendation when writing assignments as well as exams. Grading in algorithms classes can depend on the quality of your explanation and  presentation.  

Organizing answer sheets 
  1. Staple them!  Check that your sheets appear in the correct order.
  2. Write your name in CAPITAL letters on top of at least the first page of the answer sheets.
  3. Write the homework number on the answer sheet.
  4. Always hand in a paper copy (e-mail of an assignment is only accepted in special situations and needs to be in form of a pdf file). 
Writing Answers
Organization of Answers
Writing Algorithms

Technical Tips
  1. Brush up your Algebra knowledge. The textbook (CLRS) gives related mathematical background in Appendices. 
  2. When asked to prove a tight bound Θ on a function, make sure to consider the boundary conditions given and if the any parameter is given to be integer, non-integer or real or so.
  3. The best way to disprove a general statement is to prove it through contradiction (show an example that contradicts the statement).
  4. In some situations, it can be beneficial to describe a solution and approach you tried, but could not bring to a successful conclusion (especially if you know your solution is not the one asked for).

General Information and Advice

  1. Deducting points is a way to inform you that you have not done something correctly  or you have missed something. Always look at your graded assignment and understand your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes is important. 
  2. Do not expect the instructor or the TAs to understand what you wanted to mean or what you were thinking while writing the answer.  We can only grade what your write. 
  3. As a TA, our job is not to deduct points, but give you the points you deserve. If you believe the score of your homeworks need a re-check, meet the respective TA as soon as possible. You should always understand why points were taken off.  Grading mistakes can happen and we often don't find out until you tell us,
  4. In office hours we can give you explanations to homework problems, but no solutions. We also can't pre-grade your solution. We will probably let you know if your solution is heading a very wrong direction. We are happy to explain solutions of homework you have already handed in. 
  5. Follow the expected Piazza rules. In particular, Piazza is intended for notifications and clarification of questions of general interest.  Do not share your ideas, approaches, and hints for solutions in a public post.
  6. If you are sending an e-mail to any of us, we will try our best to get back to you within 24 hours. If you do not get a  response within 36 hours, send a reminder.
  7. Let us know if a posted homework problem is not clear. 
  8. Get help in office hours if the course material or a problem on the assignment are not clear to you. 
  9. Attend class. 

(Developed, © Ashish Kundu, modified by Susanne Hambrusch)